With the news of Trump's indictment for attempting to overturn the election, I believe he won't be allowed to run. DeSantis will be the nominee. As much as I have disliked some of his culture warring, I suppose I could live with it. He gave a really solid interview to Tapper today and he's so much more focused than Trump. He articulates his positions well. Whether you agree with them or whether I agree with them is a separate issue. He's pretty sharp. With politicians, you can't have it all. There are some things DeSantis is doing I don't particularly care for, but in the overall, he probably always was the best outcome for the GOP. I think I'm back on board. I don't see Trump surviving this new indictment.
He won’t be allowed to run? Who is going to stop him? Criminal indictments won’t. Not will convictions. Trump will absolutely run and he legally can. He will run because the best chance of getting out of all these charges is to win the election.
A conviction can be substantive cause to invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Congress can do this, states may be able to do this as well. If Congress does it, they only need a simple majority. Which they may have if a federal jury convicts Trump of insurrection. My guess is the GOP would coalesce around this idea to save the embarrassment of their nominee running a general election campaign from prison.
Well, it looks like you're looking for personal quibbles rather than engaging discussion. There are a plethora a legitimate reasons the GOP hasn't give him the boot as of yet. One biggie is the whole innocent until proven guilty thing. I'm sure the forthcoming indictment will be strong. The main difference with this one is the crime was very consequential to the democracy and he can't point to others and say "they did it too but you did nothing about it." I have always maintained this was the one thing Trump had some exposure on and he can't shrug it off as "they all do it, why are they picking on me?"
Let me guess... It's now against federal or state laws to call into question an election? LMFAO! Yeah, that's a 9-0 win for Trump when that gets to the SCOTUS.
The mechanism to do that is in the courts, not by having your VP refuse to certify the election (which he can't legally do) while an armed mob coalesces nearby to act as an occupying force.
DeSantis will never be president for a whole variety of reasons. He is a thin skinned wannabe tin pot dictator who can't display normal human behavior outside of right wing bubble events.
No Congress won’t. Certainly not the GOP. Trump is polling better that 50%. No one is close. He is the GOP. The GOP doesn’t care about his financial, election or handling of classified documents crimes. And they ignore his malfeasance in waiting 3 hours to do anything on 1-6 when the Capital was invaded. Why? Because they wanted it to work Like all wannabe autocrats, he is above the law in the GOP. They cheer him when he talks about the Biden crime family, but ignore his real crimes, which are put in the open and clearly explained on indictments and the January 6 report. And his opponents are afraid to call him out because it disqualifies them with the base. Hilary called those supporters deplorable. And she was right.
No. They gannet given him the boot because they love him and don’t care. Innocent until proven guilty is a standard for criminal conviction. That is a very low bar for a candidate to be qualified to be president. There are other standards: more likely than not? Clear and convincing? Is clear and convincing evidence of these crimes enough to cause people to not vote for him? Is more likely than not enough evidence to cause people to not vote for him? Trump stands up before crowds and admits his crimes and they cheer him. “I declassified the documents” except he didn’t. “The presidential papers act makes the documents mine.” Except it is immaterial and doesn’t. His defense is to scienter— he is too stupid to have the mental state to commit the various crimes. That is who they support and will nominate.
Yes, DeSantis is focused and unashamed to tell us how he will rule. It is thus paramount that people listen to what he is telling us, because he will rule exactly consistent with his message. If you don’t like his message, don’t vote for him, no matter how articulate he is expressing his distasteful message. His Hate War is not fake; he is deeply convicted in his hate, and wants to concentrate his Presidency into turning our Country into the same book-banning, censor-filled, queer silencing place that Florida has become. He is determined to have a one-voice government with swift and stern retribution to anyone who speaks against him, and to fill the judiciary men who will parrot his policies from the bench. So listen closely to his message. He will do what he is telling you he will do.
I wish and hope your first sentence was true. But conservatives are so desperate to find someone “worthy” that they will glom on to anyone with a brand. DeSantis built the conservative fire-brand during Covid, and most people have no idea what he truly represents. He has massive money behind him (because let’s face it, he gives back to his cronies with favors and jobs and policies), and is the clear no. 2 candidate to Trump, who might not make it to even a first debate.
I appreciate your optimism, but I haven't seen anything suggesting states can enforce it. I also see zero chance the House would vote for it. I'm not even sure we ever get there though; Rolling Stone's reporting indicates that the target letter references conspiracy, obstruction, and civil rights charges but does not mention statutes governing sedition or insurrection.
At this point the only question is whether Ron DeSantis will end up as the Scott Walker of the 2024 campaign, a state governor who won multiple elections in his own state and was considered the favorite for the Republican nomination until his campaign flamed out and he ended up dropping out before the first primary or the Jeb Bush of the 2024 campaign, another favorite and 2-term governor of Florida who ended up losing to Donald Trump in his own state.
If true, then this sounds more like a case of the special counsel rustling papers to make it look like they are trying, but in reality, they are letting Trump off the hook.
C'mon now. This is exactly how Biden got elected. Liberals did exactly that. They were desperate to beat Trump and nominated a man much past his prime for one purpose. Beat Trump. He didnt have the freshest ideas, or big plans for fixing broken things. He had a big name, was presidential and wasnt a potty mouthed cry baby like Trump is. Personality wise it was like running your Nice old Grandpa vs Andrew Dice Clay. I get it. It was a good strategic move, but lets not act like either party corners the market on desperate moves to create victory. Politics man. Politics.
Well I saw the highlights of the desantis interview on CNN and agree that he did well getting his talking points out there. However, Tapper essentially treated him with kid gloves and desantis is good enough in that environment. His problem comes when he is being challenged with facts and not allowed to just parrot the usual cultural issues. His demeanor quickly goes south. Debates will be telling.
Republicans. Your second sentence should say Republicans are so desperate to find someone “worthy” that they will glom on to anyone with a brand. There is no party for conservatives at the national level right now. There is a party for those who love big government that tries to help certain people and a party for those who love big government that tries to hurt certain people, but no party that is acting on conservative principles.