If you stand with Ukraine I already know you have at least four extremely important faith decisions coursing through your veins, and that if you don’t have at least that many you’re vulnerable to a theoretical deadly threat that has not been proven. I’d call it a dick move. But then I believe in freedom of religion.
No, if you believe this the point I am making, then I'm not doing a very good job of expressing myself. I'm not interested in formal diagnoses; I'm referring to simple concepts. For dysphoria, I'm speaking of the general concept based on "hard to bear; anguish" - but I don't think dysphoria necessarily needs to be a formal mental health diagnosis. My point is that many things can cause dysphoria. If you are making the claim that religion or thoughts about God cannot cause dysphoria, I'd be willing to consider why you think that. It's not an argument; it's a point that frequently comes up when atheists discuss faith as it pertains to a belief in God. The falsifiability of God is absolutely relevant to the nature of an atheist who is seeking to take a scientific approach in attempting to understand any claims about said God. Similarly, the falsifiability of gender identity should be relevant to the nature of anybody seeking to take a scientific approach in attempting to understand any claims about gender identity. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
When transgender people try to pass laws that impact other people I will care about them. The rulings by this Supreme Court have made women a second class subservient to men.
This is true, but we also have an expectation of respect for boundaries. I don't expect you to accept my beliefs for your own; and you don't expect me to accept your beliefs for your own. We simply respect that we're entitled to see things differently and recognize that we don't have to agree on related details. What one person considers to be "Christian" is not necessarily the same as what another person considers to be a "Christian." And we don't call the other a "bigot" for not being on board. We don't consider the other's view a personal attack on us because they see and even express things differently than we do. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
The American interpretation for "equality" has shifted over the last 30 years thanks to the radical left. When people said "equality" 30 years ago, they generally associated that with "equality of opportunity, equal protection under the law, justice is blind." Now, when people say "equality" people are much more likely to consider "equity, equality of outcome, active considerations of subconscious bias to consciously overcome such biases in decision-making."
more like 40 years at least. See Reagan's quotas & protectionism. But, for a rilly solid example, see Trump & his ilk's (including some on here) constant whining about trade deficits - equity of outcomes. shameful
Who hates people? Why do you get to dictate the definition. You find my beliefs unsavory. It is a part of who I am. Do you hate me? Its a silly label really.
I see people are accusing you of hating Christians, but I think you truly love them. You just hate their sin of homophobia, and I'm sure you're praying for them to overcome their sin and their cruelty. Or maybe you do hate them, and you do want to ostracize them and perhaps even do verbal and physical violence towards them, but if you do, it's only due to your deeply held religious beliefs. As such, they should accept your hatred charitably, understanding that it's coming from a place of faith. To do otherwise would be intolerant of your religious belief.
I'm less interested in the actual laws and more interested in each's underlying philosophies (what's the point of discussing legislation if we can't know how people truly feel about a given topic?). But your comment reminded me: in GAINESVILLE, they've made a decision to put tampons in the men's bathrooms. Would this qualify as "delusional" to you? Not all decisions made to effort to support transgender people come from transgender people themselves. And some of their ideas are nuts. Interesting, have we settled on an objectively identifiable definition for "men" and "women?" Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Lots of women treat men's bathrooms as unisex when the other one is busy or has a line, seems practical on some level, not delusional
Sure, at bars, not in city buildings. I'm sure a proper survey was done to understand just how useful it would be, but I can't find a reference to it anywhere. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I’m glad you made reference to “gays and minorities”. In high school, I took friends of mine to church who would be labeled with those terms. It was, although disappointing, incredibly enlightening to see just how false most of these Christians were. THAT is the reality imo. Not that some can’t be true to their respective religious teachings, and lead a life, public and private, that adheres to those principles. It’s simply that most don’t. Religious teachings are intended to be used as a tool. Instead, it’s all too frequently weaponized in society.
It’s more pity than hate. To see so many deluded people giving money to churches that spend most of it in building edifices to human folly is sad. I say make them declare themselves to be non profits and audit them as such.