Trump & Bootsie trying to see who can make America China the fastest. Though Bootsie, in trying to distinguish himself seems to have turned to Iran as his muse
Actually I wasn’t proposing anything. I was pointing out some facts regarding the need for millions of units of new housing. But since we are talking particulars why couldn’t the Gov offer up certain parcels of land for development? If the private sector wanted to buy it and foot the bill then it would them making the decision where to build right? Certainly if it would draw some people out of Florida it wouldn’t hurt my feelings at this point.
Where do I find the rubric to un-code all these coded messages. Somehow I never seem to get the secret speak.
Can’t both be done? Not everyone wants to live in a big city. My area keeps spreading west, that’s because the Atlantic blocks spreading East. Regardless of the “urban planners” the roads can’t handle the number of people living here and the latest expansion of Margaritaville is adding something like 10k more homes. In time it will be one big city from Daytona to Tampa with I-4 right down the middle.
If headline GDP goes up 20% in a year, that looks great at first glance, but if you have a 25% inflation rate the same year, the real GDP actually contracted. That's relevant to your comment, because both Reagan and Clinton had better real GDP's than Carter. Plus Reagan had to undo Carter's inflation crisis in the process. It's easy to post a good GDP headline number when you're not worried about or factoring inflation. If the cost of your growth swallows up said growth, it's rather meaningless.
my sources indicate that Carter & Reagan both had 3.4% REAL gdp growth. &, you gotta keep in mind, Carter didn't have the adv of being the biggest gov prez of our lifetimes. 'at gov money can juice things up
fair. where'd your #s come from? this omits the admittedly suspect ""authors calcs" & does show greater real GDP growth under Reagan which squares what I also thought. Annualized real GDP growth rates under U.S. presidents from Eisenhower to Biden, sorted by growth rate. Data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis quarterly data through the first quarter of 2023. Democrats are in blue, Republicans are in red. The quarter in which a new president takes office is attributed to the incoming president.[9][10] U.S. economic performance under Democratic and Republican presidents - Wikipedia
Great catch. Next thing, he'll probably try and tell us he holds a Ph.D. in economics, is a career econ professor, and knows how to vet his sources.
I ran the raw data myself from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis. US Real GDP by Year US Real GDP Growth Rate by Year This, of course, ignores the fact that Reagan did it better over 8 years versus 4 years. Also that Volcker had to induce a deep recession to kill off the impossible inflation situation Carter left Reagan with and said recession consumed most of Reagan's first two years in office. Fed rate to 20% is going to put a dent in any president's economic stats. It's probably just best practice for someone who doesn't know much about economics (not talking about you) to not list Jimmy Carter when it comes to economic milestones and achievements.
not true. 1. he deregulated more than Reagan 2. the US economy was classified as a mixed econ (gov + free mkt) when he took over & classified as a mkt econ when he left. His motivation was not a love for free mkts, it was more based on trying to mitigate gov corruption. it was def a surprise to me that his GDP #s were so good.