Don't forget, Trump wanted to buy oil when it was at historic lows to refill the strategic petroleum reserve and the Democrats blocked him.
talk about a name that makes no sense. It should be called the BIG GOV mkt manipulation reserve. 'ats all I've seen it used for. Ludicrous that the prez can manipulate the price of oil on a whim. par for the course given our schizophrenic attitudes & policies RE: oil
Just think if Trump would have purchased another 250 million barrels of oil at prices below $20, Biden could have sold it for around $90 and made so much more money.
There wasn’t room for that only about 80M and only because Trump had drained the SPR from 695M (95% full) to 638M from 2017:to 2021 BTW that much oil (80M) represent 4 days of consumption in the US Biden’s policy of drilling more oil than Trump is much more impactful. As is his green energy friendly policies.
I could try to explain it to you, but it may be beyond your grasp, so it’s best to use visuals. Sit down. Look around you. 95% of what you see has a component from petroleum. Now thank Trump.
You do realize your idiocy is beyond boring. It was funny the first time, but after the 10th time you begin to look like a twit.
Question. Is there a difference between turning off your lights at night to save electric and shutting down the power plant to do the same? Just try to have little intellectual honesty about this stuff.
Well the vertical monopolies are keeping gas abnormally high. The refinery margins are triple to quadruple what they historically are. Oil at 80 dollars a barrel historically mean gas prices about 3.10 a gallon.
Excellent news. Gas taxes across the US are ridiculously low and haven’t risen sufficiently (if at all) to repair infrastructure. And yes electric cars should be taxed as well for that purpose (perhaps by miles driven).
A formula of annual miles driven x curb weight of the vehicle would be the most rational way to do a road tax. Heavier vehicles + more miles = more wear and tear contributed to roads. Lighter vehicle and less miles = less wear and tear. Direct taxes should be done accordingly. Not all states do “annual inspections” though, which is what would be necessary to keep people honest on miles. With gasoline vehicles the gas tax could have been a decent approximation, if the actual tax was able to float up enough to keep up with actual construction costs. The advent of electric vehicles pretty much blows the gas tax concept out of the water.