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Kirby entering the Urban Phase (Blistering AJC Investigation II)

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by swampspring, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. swampspring

    swampspring GC Legend

    Dec 13, 2009
    and I'm not just talking championships:

    UGA football program rallies when players accused of abusing women (ajc.com)

    Georgia Bulldogs hit with disgusting allegations (thecomeback.com)

    “When a top defensive player was jailed on a rape charge, head coach Kirby Smart let eight players go to court to seek their teammate’s release, the player’s lawyer said. This show of solidarity occurred even though the alleged victim worked part time for the football program,” the AJC reported on Wednesday.

    “A player charged with recording a sex act with an unconscious woman remained on the roster for a full season until he transferred. Others have stayed with the team while accused of transgressions that ranged from threatening or attacking their girlfriends to sexual assault.”

    According to the AJC’s report, the detective investigating the sexual assault allegation referred to Georgia as “my beloved Bulldogs” during an interrogation with Jarrett at the Athens police headquarters.

    Give the GPD and the UFPD credit, they don't give the players any leeway.
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  2. Claygator

    Claygator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    Given that our players had consequences for their actions, I don't understand your need to drag Urban into this. UF has never tolerated anything like what is going on at UGA, and our athletic department never intervened to pay fines for players, or to try to influence criminal investigations.
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  3. swampspring

    swampspring GC Legend

    Dec 13, 2009
    Did you read my last line: "Give the GPD and the UFPD credit, they don't give the players any leeway."
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. hawaiigator

    hawaiigator GC Legend

    Sep 9, 2018
  5. grant1

    grant1 GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 10, 2009
    Urbie's players got into lot's of trouble, there is that similarity. When does Kirby start with the esophogus spasms?
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  6. ETGator

    ETGator Long-Time Gator Stuck In East Tennessee Moderator VIP Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    Beyond disgusting . . . and it's not just Bowl Cut and his "fixer." The police, the DA's office and the university are all part of rampant win-at-all-costs corruption in Athens.

    In case after case, the newspaper found, strong on-field performance appears to excuse bad off-field behavior.

    The Journal-Constitution identified 11 players during Smart’s tenure who remained with the team after women reported violent encounters to the police, to the university, or to both. In some instances, particularly those involving domestic violence, the police either filed no charges or prosecutors allowed players to plead guilty to lesser charges.

    The exact number of accusations involving Georgia players is unknown. Many cases result in no police investigation, but rather are handled through a confidential campus disciplinary system.

    The newspaper’s findings echo its recent report detailing how the team’s permissive culture has enabled dangerous, often lawless behavior by its players: reckless driving, street racing, drunken driving and excessive speeding, among other offenses.
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  7. swampspring

    swampspring GC Legend

    Dec 13, 2009
    When the AJC is reporting it, I don't think they can just sweep it under the rug. But if there is one team/athletic culture that can get away with it, I have my faith in Georgia to pull it off.
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  8. ETGator

    ETGator Long-Time Gator Stuck In East Tennessee Moderator VIP Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    With it being another AJC investigative article, it will hopefully resonate and be cited a lot more. Georgia has Athens locked-up but the rest of the country aren't LegHumpers. The "university" and police better be careful of Federal Court lawsuits. "Pattern and practice" . . .
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Claygator

    Claygator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    I did read that; but bringing up Urban's name raised certain implications.

    The GPD and UFPD are not the athletic department; they are separate entities, which is why I commented on the fact that our athletic department would never have intervened in such a fashion in their investigations.
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  10. CHFG8R

    CHFG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    St. Augustine, FL
    Whatever. They won't do crap. It's pro ball now and UGaBama is a cash cow.

    Hey, did I just invent a new word?
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  11. CHFG8R

    CHFG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    St. Augustine, FL
    Yeah, but the state is.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. swampspring

    swampspring GC Legend

    Dec 13, 2009
    I understand that. Urban is also not the athletic department. However, during his tenure as coach he had over 30 players arrested. The comment was made as a reference to how he ran his program, and why it was in the shape it was during the end of his tenure.
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  13. CHFG8R

    CHFG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    St. Augustine, FL
    Never, because he's already at his Ohio State.
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  14. 06GATORS08

    06GATORS08 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 12, 2009
    Can't wait for the Netflix documentary taking them to task in about 15 years.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  15. RattlerGator

    RattlerGator VIP Member

    It was a "journalistic" trick to go on and on about our arrests. It bothers me still. You simply can't get 125 young males together and not have arrests, especially when you're in a mega-state like Florida and the University police department is trying to dot their i's and cross their t's. I ain't mad at 'em but damn if I'm going to criticize Urban for that shiznit.

    People talk *way* too much yang about Urban and his tenure here.
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  16. WillyGator01

    WillyGator01 All American

    Aug 9, 2013
    OK, comparing this to the Urban era is far-fetched. Let's stick to the issue. UGA is under fire, and it is only a matter of time before their "win above everything else" atiitude results into a crumbling of the program. Give it a couple of years...
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  17. ETGator

    ETGator Long-Time Gator Stuck In East Tennessee Moderator VIP Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    I don't understand what you mean.
  18. Claygator

    Claygator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    Urban worked for the UAA, so he was, in effect, the athletic department. Urban never interfered with police investigations into our players, nor did he have UAA staff or other players try to interfere. UGA is clearly doing both.

    You also note that the GPD and UFPD were aggressive in arresting UF players. It would stand to reason that there would be more arrests here, given the disparity in law enforcement attitudes. And many of those arrests were for silly things, certainly not rapes.

    Neither UF, the UAA, nor Urban Meyer, ever acted in the manner in which UGA is acting, and comparing us to them is straight up misleading.
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  19. 2oldgator

    2oldgator GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 14, 2021
    Dunnellon fl
    I think it is a fair comparison as far as Kirby has had tremendous success and now the warts are beginning to show. Very much like what happened with UF under Urban Meyer.
    I, for one, had no idea that the culture was going to a bad, bad place with Meyer at first. I found out more about the crap that was going on AFTER he left.
    Yes, I think UGA will have the Athen’s PD, the press, and anyone connected to, or fans of, UGA football running interference for them and that seems to happen on a lot of stages nowadays.
    I’m not “dragging” Meyer into it, but it sure seems like Smart is getting very similar results with a lot of 5* recruits that aren’t 5* human beings.
  20. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    The last time UGa tried to cover up a litany of much less corrupt behavior, it got skull-drug by Jan Kemp in court. Hopefully a similarly courageous person can emerge in the current situation.
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