You do understand that will never happen, correct? There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell Biden would ever name RFK Jr. as the head of the EPA. Are there non-establishment candidates serving in Biden’s cabinet?
I wouldn’t be shocked to see RFK Jr. bolt to the Republicans. Every poll I’ve seen show Trump losing to Biden.
The one thing I find regrettable, nay, cowardly about RFK Jr is, when pressed to comment on the more than 200 Freedom of Information law requests showing no one anywhere has a sample of SARS-Cov2 taken from a human … “My inclination if there are people who say the viruses don’t exist that there is no virus...I don’t, you know, my inclination is that, um, that simply is not, you know, that’s not true. It could all be a big hoax, but to me, it all seems like, you know, viruses are real, and um so, look, I should have just shut up from the beginning and say I'm not gonna answer that question.” LOL
You've just dismissed everything the FDA does in one fell swoop. Good job. Based on this post, I'm guessing you're advocating for getting rid of the FDA, which is a pretty extreme position.
I’m advocating for the position that the FDA is useless and that for any pharmaceutical - take at your own risk.
You're being the non-sensical one, acting as if we can throw vaccines out there for public consumption after a few months of testing. Let alone a vaccine that is compulsory. Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution. Vaccine Research & Development - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.
The prodigious vaccine uptake can only be attributed to the most successful terror campaign in history. Funny how millions who, prior to 2020, would never in a million years put GMOs in their mouths were lining up to have them injected into their arms.
That'd be interesting, but I think he's pro-choice, which seems like a non starter for a GOP primary run.
You’re probably right on that. A lot of people think he should run as an independent. Aside: the “woman’s body” argument is specious. But at least RFK Jr. is consistent. In seeking to enforce vaccine mandates leading Democrats abandoned that conviction.
RFK Jr. to Hold Event With Doctor Who Says COVID Vaccine Makes Forks Stick to Your Body Well know we know who the Time Lord constituency supports
People have noted how he fought for his environmental beliefs, even spending a month in Federal jail. He's advanced theories of conspiracy about the murders of his father and uncle. He has made accusations about corruption at the highest levels of corporate and political power. He doesn't comport himself as someone who's afraid to rock the boat and open himself up to criticism. That doesn't mean he's right about any of it, of course, but he doesn't strike me as a cowardly sort of guy either.
He never vied for this sort of power before. But I’ll take inconsistency if he really does resolve to resist medical tyranny and warmongering.
You know I’d try to explain why the MNRA shot came about so much faster, and even refer you to the fascinating backstory, but you have shown no evidence of good faith discussion or willingness to learn something different. You don’t acknowledge anything I put up there in any way It is just a political game and trolling to you. It is really unfortunate how this RFK Jr thing is empowering an embarrassing level of willful ignorance among people who ought to know better, like Elon Musk and some of his tech bros.
The devoutly vaxxed are a case study in projection. There is more evidence that vaccines have killed multitudes than that they’ve saved a single life.
As evidenced by the brain dead robotic leftist mob blindly following the pied piper's subsonic subconscious messaging tune, and not just dutifully toeing the party line, but passionately proclaiming the laughable joke about the magic bat shitting on a wet market (...and therefore the fact that it was located in wuhan--home of chicom's bio warfare virolab, was mere coincidence..."you dummy!"<--if you dared suggest anything else). LMAO!!! So absurdly stupid, all I can do is laugh...