No idea. I’m so far beyond surprised at any possible disgraceful thing she says anymore. The only thing that does surprise me is that she and Boebert loathe each other. I would think they would be besties, rolling in the mud together.
It takes about 72 hours for the Air Force to carry out a mission. You can’t scramble 200 jets at the snap of the thumb and say “get ‘er done.” It takes strategic planning and coordination. Otherwise it will likely fail and in this case, you would have widespread civilian casualties on Russian soil which isn’t a good look. You had Wagner military convoys interspersed with civilian traffic all the way to Moscow. Wagner’s ability to hit back notwithstanding. That’s why I thought it was game set match there for a minute. And then, at the snap of a thumb, Prigozhin stands down. He did not have to do that. He absolutely could have marched right on into the Kremlin. There were reports the entire southern district of the Russian military (roughly 1/4th of Russian military) had flipped to Wagner.
So you think if the U.S. came under attack from an organized military force rolling in from Mexico or Canada, it would take 72 hours to scramble some jets??? They’d be powerless to do anything to stop the convoy until they came up with a war plan? Should probably let NORAD know their services are no longer needed, that would be news to them. I agree with those other concerns you raised, which is exactly what I said. It wasn’t about capability, it was about optics of dropping bombs on the convoy inside Russia. Obviously a unique situation created by the Russian gangster state’s reliance on mercenary fighters. Putin couldn’t afford to exterminate the very force who might depose him.
I am still perplexed. They successfully get to just outside Moscow, and the the Wagner chief agrees to be exiled and Wagner effectively disbanded.
The Russians have a saying about coups: in order for the coup to be successful, the people have to be quiet. The willingness of the population to accept the results of a coup is defined by how many people rush to defend the administration. Based on this coup attempt, the Russian people are ready for a new president. ‘The People Are Silent’: The Main Reason the Wagner Mutiny Bodes Ill for Putin
I remember during 9-11 how it took 72 hours to get military aircraft in the skies. It was brutal watching plane after plane crash into hundreds of buildings during those three days while the air force was coming up with a detailed plan (including color-coded drawings with arrows on them) and getting it notarized and signed, and then copies made and distributed by US Mail to all of the air bases. Yep. Brutal.
Mexico or Canada wouldn’t have a complicit “welcome home” party from the American people or ground forces. To take out precise targets and combat enemy surface to air fire, yes, some strategic planning is involved. But that would never happen here in America because the people (with their bump stock AR-15’s) and American ground units would light the convoy up as soon as it crossed the border.
There is so much happening that seems illogical. I am thinking that we should wait a couple of weeks before we draw conclusions.
Yeah, that's basically what I said here yesterday. There are lots of ways this could be spun into a net positive by Putin, as regards the Russian people. In a way, by Prigozhin taking such dramatic action and then bending the knee so quickly, it makes Putin look better (inside Russia). Prigozhin is popular in Russia. By deferring to Putin, here's the nation's biggest military renegade saying "we must bow to Putin." And the people will eat it up.
This is straight out of the Russian playbook. This is what they do. Make moves like this that leave everybody thinking WTF. They play good Chess.
it wasn’t like they had thousands of troops at the gates of Moscow. I saw some videos at it was a few groups of not too many trucks and the occasional tank on a flat bed.