See, this post doesn't bother me, because I know you couldn't possibly be embarrassed for someone you don't even know. But you do know Hunter Biden is a scumbag, tax cheat, drug addict, convict and a perfect reflection on how his dad raised him.
Uh oh, another Democrat who doesn’t know the difference between a civil and a criminal matter. Shocker.
Shocker vowel-boy wants to move goalposts : from post #198 "Uh, no. Innocent until proven guilty is the law. Hunter is indeed a convict, pleading guilty to tax fraud. Trump hasn’t been convicted of anything." Try to at least keep up with your own posting. LOL
I love how for years liberals have claimed there are really two systems of justice in this country. One for the white rich folks and one for everyone else. Turns out they were right. If you’re on the governing team, you get better treatment than if you’re on the governed team.
Yes they would. People should stop pretending that the game is played between Rs and Ds and just admit the fact that the game is played between Washington and the people. And we the people are losing.
And another Republican whose standard for a politician is whether he is guilty beyond and tor the exclusion of every reasonable doubt as opposed to liable under a more likely than not standard. How low the bar is for the kind or despicable behavior you are willing to accept. You need criminal convictions to disqualify the politician. And even then, you would just blame the process, like everyone did when Manafort, Stone and others were convicted. You even see Trump on TV admitting he kept and hid top secret documents and you defend and support him because he isn’t convicted. Dude, we know why people stick with people like Trump.
Factually correct but he certainly would have been by now were he not an ex-President and current presidential candidate.
No matter how hard you try to turn our country into Afghanistan, you won’t succeed. Innocent until proven guilty. And my money is on innocent, considering your special prosecutor here as a long history of bungling cases against high profile politicians.
The Dems on here remind me of Lloyd in Dumb and Dumber. You can’t triple stamp a double stamp la la la la. Keep holding your hands over your ears.