Curious if any of the Lawyers have ever seen anyone charged with that subsection of the 4473 violation. Not that Hunter under bars wouldn’t be entertaining. Maybe Don Jr too. Ivanka should be under house arrest, and I do have a spare room
I suspect much of the anger about getting a sweetheart deal isn't specific to the actual charges but rather that he wasn't charged with any of the more substantial rumored crimes.
I think it's even more of a case of faux outrage based on a comparison of the charges against Trump with those against Hunter Biden even though there is absolutely no similarity between the two and ironically there is the real possibility that Chris Kise may have been able to negotiate some type of plea bargain on behalf of Trump with Jack Smith if Kise's crazy client had given him the green light to do so.
Has nothing to do with how the Federal criminal system operates, when we're talking about the president's son. If you think it does, you'd be the ignorant one. This was a political resolution, which gave the POTUS an easy hide behind. As you noted, dubiously so, as many regular criminals hide behind this and use it to their advantage. Difference being Hunter was never in danger of actually being in prison, but it's an easy out for Joe, because after all "his son is just a recovering addict."
No, I'm pretty sure it has to do with someone getting misdemeanors and zero prison time for willfully hiding $1,500,000 in income from the IRS.
Trump picked only the best people. Worst luck in the world they turned out to be conspiring with the Democrats.
But is that because he was the President's son or because the criminal justice system is broken when it comes to things like this? I've seen several former prosecutors say Hunter was actually treated more harshly than the average citizen, plus we know the prosecutor is a Trump holdover who said he had full autonomy to make the final call.
If he wasn't the president's son there is a good chance that he wouldn't have been charged at all. Providing false information on a federal firearms form is very seldom charged as a standalone crime and similarly failure to file a return and pay taxes is also very seldom charged when the taxpayer files the return the pays all of the taxes due plus interest penalties and as I mentioned in a previous post including a link David Weiss, the Trump-appointed US Attorney for Delaware responsible for investigating Hunter Biden and his assistants thoroughly investigated any other potential criminal acts committed by Hunter Biden including his relationships in Ukraine. As I previously mentioned one of the reasons that the investigation took five years given that the firearm application and tax violations were apparent years ago was almost certainly because Weiss was investigating other potential criminal acts by Hunter.
you seem to be finding what you have already decided is there [shrug] I rep’d a guy who owned a construction company and did the same thing (misclassified income and didn’t pay taxes). Like Hunter Biden, he belatedly filed returns showing the income but unlike Hunter Biden he didn’t pay the past due taxes prior to resolution. My guy only got hit with a civil penalty - no criminal charges at all. I guess I should go looking for ties to the president since he got a good deal?
Trump and crew started using the "collusion" term specifically because IT ISN'T A CRIME! That way, when we wasn't charged with "collusion" he could say, look see nothing here! Mueller found plenty of crimes, and got many arrests from folks in the inner circle of Trumps campaign. But he didn't get anyone for "collusion" because it isn't a crime! And the only reason Trump wasn't charged is because Mueller didn't have the power to do it. That was up to the head of the DOJ, Barr, who at the time was acting as Trump's fixer not the US's AG.
Although it's certainly no longer the case, this cartoon describes Barr's role at the time the Mueller Report was made public.
Sounds like some whistleblowers are exposing the lack of real investigation that went on with Hunter right now.
He was treated harshly for his charged crimes. Only if you include all of the fantasy crimes was he treated favorably. Hunter wasn't charge for tax evasion. Hunter paid his tax bill, it's just that he paid it late and underpaid. How many people are charged with filing late and paying late, even if they underpay? Nixon shorted the gov $500k (in 1972 dollars) and he just paid it, no 'jail time' or charges were filed.
The gullibility is breathtaking A screenshot of a text with different fonts and a current picture even though it’s supposedly from 2017/2018? Good gravy, people.
not really. US Attorneys charge. FBI agents investigate. Except that this is a tax crime, which the IRS investigates. Which raises lots of questions about what the FBI agent is complaining about.
And Michael Cohen didn’t report the income, amend or pay the taxes. And got charged. But, of course with Hunter Biden, if you are a fringe right wing poster like the guy you are responding to, Hunter “hid 1.5 million” in income. Then again, go to that poster’s Trump posts; defend Trump’s right to wave around US defense plans to those not entitled to know about them and to hide them when the government wants them back. Another right winger who sees facts through a political lens