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Lock him up! CNN reports Trump to be indicted

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by WarDamnGator, Jun 8, 2023.

  1. jhenderson251

    jhenderson251 Premium Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    Testament to how angry and upset 92 must be, to pathetically imply that a known member of our armed forces doesn't "give a shit" about our nation.
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  2. archigator_96

    archigator_96 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2020
    Wake me up when he spends any amount of time in prison.

    This will be a boon for TV news outlets, bloggers, and to get Too Hot up to 50 pages but anyone that thinks this will come to anything is not being honest. Remind me again how long Nixon was in prison?
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  3. jjgator55

    jjgator55 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Nixon resigned from office after making a deal with Gerald Ford that he would pardon him. Trump doesn’t have that ability now. The sad thing for me is I want to see that skid mark on the underwear of American history frog marched out of the courthouse but I doubt that will happen.
  4. jjgator55

    jjgator55 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    It’s all about projection with the right. He “doesn’t give a shit” about our country but accuses others of it.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
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  5. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    He is technically the leading GOP nominee. You’d think after 1/6 there would be no way, but for his hardcore cult there is no “last straw”. He truly can shoot someone on 5th Ave and still count on 92’s feverish defense. He apparently knew his target audience well.

    Optimistically, I do think he’s lost enough support by now so as to be unelectable. Although I thought he was unelectable in 2016 as well. Anything can happen. I don’t think indictments matter either way to that. With some, as we see, it will harden their positions further. Convictions maybe gets Trump out of there for good, assuming these trials happen (I’m sure Trumps aim will be to delay… delay… delay by any means necessary).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Lede story on just about all the western media - former US president indicted
    Lede story on Fox website - Bob Barr talks about Joe and Hunter Biden bribery allegations
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  7. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007

    Hi swampbabe -

    IMO Trump is 100% responsible for the disasterous set of circumstances he finds himself in.

    In my 64 years of life, I have never known a prominant American political figure to be of such low intellectual capability. And this is a former president of the United States.

    He seems completely incapable of telling the truth and when his mouth is open you get - either lies, insults or division.

    It wasn't "good enough" to win the presidency - On No - Trump wanted to be treated like a roman emperor. Remember his lies about the crowd size at the Washington mall to celebrate his victory?
    Or how about his lies about (The most dominating Presidential victory in history?) - Clearly the man can't count electrorial votes.

    I'm not a therapist but that profession must laugh about every move this man makes, it's so predictable narssistic.

    No empathy, no compassion, no morality, no sense of duty or justice - No, it's all about the aquisition of power and making people "bend the knee".

    Any RESONABLE conservative would mark the Trump experiment
    as a failure, and move on, given the egrigious behavior by this megalomaniac. Only the hard cores / maga types still cling to this abomination of a person.

    He is a CANCER and is more than deserving of the consequences coming his way. Trump has no allies because in his sphere everyone is canon fodder to be used when needed. Mark Meadows just turned. They all will, one would have to be brain dead to fall on a sword for Trump.

    I just hope Ghislaine reveals where the videos are of Trump and Jeffery having fun at the expense of under age girls. Perhaps that will finally turn conservatives away, once and for all.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  8. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    There is less than an ounce of difference between him now and 2016. He's formally fighting different charges now because he had access to different crimes, like stealing national security and extorting allies. But that is all just public and higher stakes versions of the same stuff he has been doing literally his entire life, and none of it was mysterious. He was taking out full page racist ads in the 80's. He was violating the Fair Housing Act in the 70's. Multiple anti-trust and SEC violations in the 90's and 2000's. Running businesses into the ground all over. Stiffing contractors on the reg. Trump U was in the 2010's. Sex crime allegations at least as early as the 90's. Most of this stuff we know because he has been blowharding just like he does now on the pages of the NYT, Howard Stern's show, and every other media outlet he could worm his way into.

    This idiot had been running for POTUS since 1988. He attempted to be Bush's VP via Lee Atwater. And yes, he was a R before he was a D, and then an R again. He was also a Reform Party member for a bit. In the same cycle he publicly endorsed Hillary, then endorsed McCain in the general. He will literally do anything to try to get over on you. Baffling that he found a mark.

    ALL of this is not new, widely known before the 2016 breakthrough and why when someone like Christie does that "I didn't know" nonsense, he should be laughed off the stage, at least for that weak sauce. A Trump supporter has virtually no new information that would change anything. The J6 attempt is really the only thing new, and again, that was so predictable that all of the "surprise" is right up there with Chris Chrispy's sudden emergence from The Cave of Stoopidity. Trump ALSO TOLD EVERYONE that he would never concede. It was so obvious that Bill Maher made it a weekly reminder, that DT would never leave peacefully. Again, you knew this before any POTUS vote was ever cast.
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  9. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    You can say that all you want. And you can ignore the facts that I am posting all you want. It will never change the stone cold fact that your party is a party of criminals. Empirical crimes. Not Dem party loyalty trying to make the Republicans look bad. Empirical demonstrable, legally-proven crimes, for which they keep getting indicted and convicted.
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  10. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    The most delicious irony of this is that Trump will be facing much harsher sentencing because he made changes in the law making it tougher on those who mishandle classified documents. IIRC, he elevated all counts to felonies and made the minimum sentence 5 years in prison.

    He did this as performative theater for his base, to make it look like he was going to keep his campaign promise to prosecute Hillary for emails that she’d already been cleared of. Which of course, he never did because there was no crime. And he never had any intention to: it was just a ruse to gin up his fans. It was just for appearances, like the Biden investigation he tried to extort Ukraine into announcing, like the false statement of election fraud he wanted red state legislatures to announce. That’s the QOP strategy: create the appearance of impropriety, let the right wing propaganda machine do it’s disinformation work, and yank the levers of power while the Dems tiptoe around decorum and trying to preserve the dignity of institutions.

    And now this one is going to bite him in the butt.
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  11. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Ut Oh ... Trump straight up admitted on tape he knew the stuff he kept wasn't declassified...

    Former President Donald Trump acknowledged on tape in a 2021 meeting that he had retained “secret” military information that he had not declassified, according to a transcript of the audio recording obtained by CNN.

    “As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump says, according to the transcript.

    CNN obtained the transcript of a portion of the meeting where Trump is discussing a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran. In the audio recording, which CNN previously reported was obtained by prosecutors, Trump says that he did not declassify the document he’s referencing, according to the transcript.

    Exclusive: Donald Trump admits on tape he didn't declassify 'secret information' | CNN Politics
    • Informative Informative x 2
  12. OklahomaGator

    OklahomaGator Jedi Administrator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Pardoning Nixon - Ethics Unwrapped

    I believe Ford even testified in front of Congress under oath that there was no deal in place.
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  13. 92gator

    92gator GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 14, 2007
    Delicious, huh?

    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007

    WDG - It's about time - Trump thought he was so insulated from the law that he constantly OPENLY bragged about his criminality.

    These indictments and the ones to coome are slowly restoring my faith that some level of "justice" and "law and order" does exist.

    Of course I expect the Supreme Court will find some way to shield him from any consequences when it's all over.
  15. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Some his quotes from the transcripts explain why he kept it ... and was apparently showing it to a biographer ... he thought the documents "won his case" -- an apparent dispute over who's idea it was to potentially attack Iran. Trump was saying that because the DOD presenting him with "stacks of papers" and plans, then it proves it wasn't his idea.

    Trump was complaining in the meeting about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley. The meeting occurred shortly after The New Yorker published a story by Susan Glasser detailing how, in the final days of Trump’s presidency, Milley instructed the Joint Chiefs to ensure Trump issued no illegal orders and that he be informed if there was any concern.

    “Well, with Milley – uh, let me see that, I’ll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn’t that amazing? I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him,” Trump says, according to the transcript. “They presented me this – this is off the record, but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him. We looked at some. This was him. This wasn’t done by me, this was him.”

    Trump continues: “All sorts of stuff – pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.

    That last line, "This is secret information. Look, look at this." sums it up. Of course, this does actually prove Trump point ... I mean, the DOD delivering plan to attack Iran to Trump doesn't prove or disprove whether he asked for it.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2023
  16. jhenderson251

    jhenderson251 Premium Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    I don't think it's projection with 92, as much as he thinks very little of those who don't share his political beliefs. If you don't believe in orange Jesus, you must just be a despicable person.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. gatorjnyc

    gatorjnyc VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Deep fake defense coming in 3.... 2.... 1...
  18. PD

    PD VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    No, and this is why you’re a Republican: you refuse to see the reality of the situation. It’s not our day. It’s America’s day. It’s justice’s day. It’s the worlds day. And it’s your day too. You just refuse to see it acknowledge it.

    Because although your party works night and day to hurt people of color, women, progressives, etc., they hurt your people first. And they never stop.

    We don’t need to learn it, we know it. “The other side” is in a cult. They refuse to acknowledge reality, because they live in an alternate reality bubble created by Kremlin-funded right wing media.

    Your very comment of “you’ll see one day” explains the problem. You are living in a false reality where you think that you, and only you, know of some secret esoteric truth that is hidden from the entire rest of the world, because of some illuminati/Clintonati/Obamanati forces, and that someday your truth will be brought to light, and the rest of the world will bend a knee to your eternal fidelity to this secret truth…for which you not only have absolutely no proof, but also have absolutely no reason to believe.

    It’s no coincidence that Republicans who live in this false reality are the same people who live in a false reality of religious cults. Cults - like all evangelists - that tell them there is some secret truth that only they know, and the rest of the world is just a bunch of faithless sinners who will learn the secret truth on judgement day. It’s apparently in their DNA to fall into any cult that will take them.

    Despite what your group believes, you don’t have any monopoly on Christianity or faith in general. The vast majority of American progressives and liberals are also religious, also majority Christian. But it’s the fascist theocratic fake Christianity that MAGA republicans cling to, using it as a blunt weapon to harm other people and control their lives, that is the problem. Christians who are progressives actually follow the teachings of Jesus, and try to make the world better for everyone. As Jesus taught.

    But MAGA fake Christians follow Trump, the perfect embodiment of what the Bible describes as the antichrist.

    Not even sure what that means, but mean tweets (meaning the threat of being primaried), is not just a real threat. It’s demonstrably historical fact for your party. And thus mean tweets are exactly what has kept establishment Republicans in line - the ones who told the world how much they hated Donald Trump, and what a criminal fraud he was, right up to the day when the anti-Democratic electoral college installed him as president, at which time they immediately did a 180 and became his minions.

    But if your point is that the majority of Republican politicians do not support Trump because of mean tweets, but rather because they are just like him…In 2023, you are correct. There is no more Republican party. It is now a party of insurrectionist fraudulent criminals. It is the party of Matt Gaetz, Margie 3-toes, Lauren Boebert, Barney Fife Comer, Mr Haney Kennedy, Gym Jorden, and the lot of them.

    And you have no one to blame but yourselves. Even after Trump was installed, he had no power, except what the Republicans gave to him. They could’ve formed a wall, like the one he never intended to build, and controlled him. They could’ve at least contained him. They had the power to keep him in line, rather than the opposite. And if for no other reason, they knew that he is an idiot who didn’t have any idea how any part of government works, and they also know that he is too lazy to learn. So just by keeping him in the ignorant shadows, they could have kept them in a box, and used him to do their bidding, rather than the other way around.

    But they are cowards and ran from mean tweets. And they are craven power hogs, and people like Bill Barr, and Mark Meadows, and Rudy Giuliani, and the lot, all saw their opportunity to grab power and fortune that they would never otherwise have, just by being his sycophant, and holding his hand, and showing him how to sign executive orders, manipulate Congress, etc.

    There will be a time of learning in the near future. But it will be your side that learns it, if you will allow yourself. And that will be this: Republicans had the opportunity to harness Trump and ride his insanity and bully power, and take his entire cult following with them, and they could have wielded that power to change our government structure forever. They could have use that power within the normal fuzzy-legal guardrails to transform our government into one that essentially makes electing Democrats illegal. They could’ve very easily done that without being overt fascists. Without disturbing the permissive slumber of most Americans. Your side will one day realize what a colossal error it was to let the monster control you, instead of the other way around. The republican party could have used Trump to forge their perfect pipedream oligarchy, but instead, they allowed Trump to destroy the republican party. Hopefully forever, but we will have to see what happens to all of the fractured splinters of what used to be the Republicans, especially since Trump has galvanized two consecutive new generations against every Republican ideal. They are the first generations since the two party system emerged, not to become more conservative as they age, but to become more progressive. And that along with the permanently changing demographics of the country, spells the death knell of fascist conservatism in America (which replaced real conservatism during the Teagan administration, and has methodically devoured the entire party ever since).

    But, like I said, Republicans could’ve used Trump to lock in minority rule virtually forever, but they were too cowardly in the face of potential mean tweets.
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  19. jjgator55

    jjgator55 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    So are you saying it’s a matter of needing drugs and long term therapy for his affliction?
  20. jjgator55

    jjgator55 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I’m going to withhold my celebration for when they frog march him to prison. You might want to skip that day.
    • Funny Funny x 1