Oh, dear. "Collins also released an edited video purporting to show the migrants, in which they were seen boarding planes and signing forms. None of those featured in the video identified themselves, the forms were not readable and the video could not be independently verified." "Gabby Trejo, the executive director of Sacramento ACT, which has been helping the migrants, said at a briefing Tuesday that they had been “lied to and deceived,” including with false promises of jobs and housing, and “didn’t know where they were going to land.” “They are trying way too hard to demonstrate that [the migrants] came to California voluntarily,” Bonta said, referring to Florida officials. “You cannot have consent to travel if it’s based on deception.” WaPo
I once met a family here illegally. I didn't know it when I met them but they mentioned it later. There were a lovely family. The U.S. is better because they are here. The mother told me the story of how she got here. The story was beyond tragic but I won't go into that. I will tell you one family member comes first makes enough money to send for the next and that is repeated until they are all here. She also told me that as soon as they arrived they all went to California. They knew there was a community there where they could get jobs. They all eventually moved from there but that's where they all began. If someone had asked her, her mother or her sister if they wanted to go to Cali they would have thought they won a prize.
All taxpayer expended funds are required to be publicly bid unless a company is uniquely situated to be the only one capable of providing the service. There is no way that sole sourcing the contract to a political crony is legal
I didn't know that. So, more malfeasance. Abbott of Texas sent something like 16,000 immigrants to Chicago on buses. Much more cost effective. And he sent them from his own state!
Those damn sanctuary places trying to harbor asylum-seekers. We need to do something about that. Don’t we Player?
IMO, he is an out-of-control “look at me” liberal extremist, who takes political positions to enrich his “brand” and ambitions. I think the same of DeSantis, substituting liberal with conservative.
DeSantis cuts costs to save money transporting them “look at the inhumane conditions.” DeSantis flies them over first class and on party buses, “what a waste of taxpayer money.” To my fellow conservatives out there. You can’t win. We’re playing a game of “heads I win, tails you lose.” The only way to satisfy them is to bend the knee or go away despite not granting you the same courtesy. My advice, don’t give their criticisms a second thought. They don’t deserve a shred of credibility. Just do what you think is right and what you think is best. You should look at their whining and hysteria the same way you should look at a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum.
Doesn't matter. You have no idea what the applicable laws are and everything you post on this topic is legally incorrect. Please stop, I'm growing weary of having to flag every one of your erroneous posts so that unsuspecting people aren't misled.
Then explain it. You just keep telling me I'm wrong. Explain exactly how I'm wrong. What specific law are you discussing? What are the elements and what are the defenses?
Can't beat them at the polls, bring out the indictments. Hate the evidence of your eyes and ears all you want. Stalin would be proud.