Yep. The idea that his admin has been "colorblind" is false on its face. Even if you give modern Republicans the benefit of the doubt and assume that they aren't targeting black people out of pure animus, they are pretty clearly happy to do so to gain political advantages or to win points in their culture war.
I’m going with Zero, because Race is irrelevant. Race doesn’t make you more or less racist. Race doesn’t make you moral or immoral. Race doesn’t make smart or dumb. Race is immutable. what did I win?
The more you post you unsubstantiated BS attacks on Trump, the more you come off as racist yourself. We get it. You don’t like white billionaires who marry supermodels. Do you have any other boogeymen who frighten you? {hugs}
That contradicts what the conservatives in the video said. They said that Trump is not racist. Does Trump have an R next to his name when he is on a ballot?
Just a question Based on the above response can everyone now use whatever random conservatives say as the meter for truth as you seem to be doing? Thanks
And let's be honest, using your governmental authority to harm Black people, even if it's just because it benefits you, is racist. Look at the South Florida police chief who framed Black people to improve his clearance rate. The fact that he was doing it to benefit himself doesn't make that policy any less racist (or evil).
So your argument is Trump is great because he’s a white billionaire married to a supermodel? Great logic there, lawyer. There are plenty of examples of Trump being a racist, just because he doesn’t come out and say it doesn’t make it less so, lol.
Ya I hate those people who don't want drag shoes in front of children... Speaking of hate based, remember this speech?
Sure, instead of addressing the question, pick a snippet of your opposition and say, Whatabout… The DeSantis policies are racist include rampant gerrymandering, historical censorship when it comes to race issues, DEI elimination, not to mention his attacks against the AP administration because they put forth an AP African-American history course. There are many more examples, but here’s a few. If you’d like some examples of his Xenophobic policies and his homophobic policies, happy to provide them, as long as you promise to read the very long lists.
"Is Ron DeSantis racist?" I think I was in line with the thread topic. If I started a thread insinuating that Joe Biden was the second coming of Jerry Sandusky based on his creepy behavior around children, I think I'd rightly be dismissed and ridiculed.
I'm not interested in hearing lectures of racism from anybody who thinks that anything that incidentally harms minorities is racist, but things that explicitly discriminates against non-minorities are not racist. I know Cubans basically don't count as minorities anymore, but coming from a Hispanic dude, I don't think DeSantis hates me or thinks any less of me because I'm Cuban.
Exactly. But when your platform is based on War on Woke, which includes multiple targeted attacks on Blacks (laws against CRT, gerrymandering which neutered Black voting power, DEI and others, the question of whether the leader of what many perceive to be racist policies is personally a racist is fair game.
Most of those things actually are prejudicial against White people or are just not so subtle Marxist agendas cloaked as minority agendas (CRT and DEI to be specific). As far as gerrymandering, both parties gerrymander to their advantage based on demographics (which is ugly and wrong), but again, I'm not going to take lectures on racism from people who think anything that incidentally disadvantages minorities is racist but anything that explicitly discriminates against non-minorities is not racist.
That belief is not reasonable and should be publicly mocked in the same way as the hypothetical thread I mentioned.
I’m not lecturing; I’m opining. And I’m that opinion, I believe DeSantites have not incidentally disadvantaged minorities. I believe DeSantites have directly targeted minorities of every kind in a steady, persistent, patterned and relentless campaign of attack. I think his War of Hate is an embarrassment to my State, and an ugly mark on society.