It does take time to learn those things, which means you will either have to pay someone to teach you, or not work/work less while you learn those things. You can learn all kinds of things but it doesnt pay your bills, and if the learning costs money, its probably something you sacrifice if you cant afford it or the time you need to work to generate money.
By separating us into those who carry pocket knives and those who do not? What exactly does that knowledge do for your curiosity?
Well, for starters, we've learned: Carrying a pocket knife keeps you straight. Not carrying a pocket knife means you're gay.
We’ve not learned much we didn’t already know. Cons are can-do people. Libbies are complainers. Complainers are needy, often nerdy people who don’t fit in. Get loud enough and helpless, govt will help you out. Big govt people do not carry knives.
You let the cat out of the bag that you are into knife guys, things are gonna get even weirder for you here
Thank goodness. What, with the lack of carrying a knife and all, I thought you may have to turn in your man/con/trad card.
I don’t think op was going that route until a few libbies came to a knife fight armed with only a phone app.
LOL! That’s why he says he doesn’t need a gun. If someone breaks in the house he’ll make them look like the main course at a Benihana.
In a thread where you are the loudest complainer. Rich. Get back to contrived victimhood. At least that's more honest.