This! Why rush a kid through high school? You’re absolutely doing the kid no favors. What’s the advantage in being younger and less mature mentally and physically in that age group? Especially for a boy. Younger is not better. I mean geez - everybody else can drive and you can’t. Girls don’t date down in age. The list is long. Parents do this for themselves, not their kids
I understand and I don't disagree with you, but we don't know what motivates this kid. If this kid is advanced academically, what favors does he do himself with another year of home schooling hanging around his hometown? Maybe he needs the challenge or his parents want him around more academic influences and professors. I doubt his parents want him to have a girlfriend at this point, but college girls would surely be happy to "date down" for a smart kid who may be a potential college football star.
Good point. And to what you say, it doesn’t make as much of a difference if you leave HS a year early. My thoughts were more pointed toward parents having their kid skip grades and enter HS younger than everybody else. That’s the big disadvantage I was referring to.
It all depends on the young man I’m guessing his level of maturity is far ahead if he and his parents AND the coaches feel he is ready . I don’t think BN is the kind of guy that would let him come in early and not believe he could at the very least red shirt and start next year
Education? No need to stay with hs curriculum. It’s not uncommon for gifted students to pretty much have a AA nearly complete in hs with duel enrollment. My niece graduates Tom and is well on her way to a college degree.
And if he’s in a decent hs program, he will play next year instead of watch. There’s advantages to being in a college program next year though.
He may have a college degree before he graduates HS! but, regarding UF football, no chance a 17 year old is the answer to help us in 23-24. I don't even think Lagway in 24 will be the answer. 17/18 year old are RARELY effective QB's in this league. We need someone to bridge the gap to these studs, otherwise we're in for a rough next two years, IMO. Hoping it is Mertz, but I'm doubtful.
So can he not go to class and still play. Dion did, a guy with a real degree should have tgat privilege also.
This kid is already 17 years 6 months old. Absolutely absurd that he’s a 2025’. He should be a 24’ at least or even a young 23’. I was wearing a Gator uni at 17 (not football). He’s brilliant and talented. It’s certainly not a stretch for him to reclassify. Should be a 24’ anyways.