Thing is you really don’t care or you would be just as disgusted about places like Chicago. Instead you’re aghast when CRT isn’t taught or elementary children aren’t taught about transgender sexuality. It’s more fun for you to talk about mass shootings than drive bys that kill scores more kids every year. For that matter the NAACP doesn’t care either or they would issue a travel warning for places where it is truly dangerous for people of color.
You make some great points on why hoods don’t work. Any solutions to break the generational curse? (Not being snarky, truly curious)
No, you're not just standing up for academic freedom. You're standing up on this particular issue regarding a specific area of study that supports your worldview and your politics. It's arguably propaganda (in your favor) in the manner it is taught. And Disney is subject to whatever laws the Florida Legislature passes. I am talking about certain corporations in California being required to appoint a certain amount of minorities on their board as required by California policy. It was discussed between me and BLING in another thread. You have this habit of willfully digging your head in the sand where you just discuss the law and only the law even when we're talking about the culture. Either you don't understand that there are perfectly legal means to tearing down this country through culture or you choose not to discuss it because your side has the bulk of institutional control right now. And I'm not just talking about Congressmen, the President, or Justices... i mean the all institutions of influence. Democrats take the cake on that and it's not even close. So you're doing everything you can to protect that power dynamic, even if it means pretending like there is no cultural problem because that's all you really need to take the wind out of DeSantis's sails. If there is no culture problem, then DeSantis isn't justified. But reaching this conclusion would require you to dig your head in the sand to such a degree, you believe what people tell you over what you see with your own two eyes every day on the news (regardless of where you get it) when you look at your kid's homework assignments, when you watch the Oscars, when you're grabbing a beer and you catch a preachy condescending commercial during a football game. It's everywhere. And it's not because it's what a majority want. It's because a vocal minority demand it and most people feel scared to say or do anything about it because they know they're risking their life getting ruined. When DeSantis holds up a mirror for you, it's not his fault you think the reflection is ugly.
You are as usual wrong. You project your hypocrisy on others. L-O-L. Generally, yes. The exception is when Florida passes a law singling out Disney and punishing it for its political speech. The more you know. Racial quotas are unconstitutional. You keep talking about "culture" to justify stripping people of their freedoms. I support freedom and oppose your attempts to restrict it because you don't like how people use theirs. P.S. If you're seeing it everywhere, it's because the majority aren't opposed to it. I'm not the guy advocating for the government to attack free speech and suppress ideas. Nor am I the guy defending it. That's you, pal. That's your reflection, commie.
What color hoods do the NAACP folks wear? They are one of the most racist groups in America. Luckily they are mostly irrelevant. I think the average American, regardless of race, cares a lot more about what Taylor Swift ate for lunch than the opinion of a bunch of racist boobs.
My thoughts exactly when I read this. I don't see you grandstanding against that. No, you just provide cover literally every time your side does it. It's always some excuse so it doesn't count. I can't help but get a kick every time you call me commie. I've been here almost a decade and I used to be more libertarian and you know what's never changed? You characterizing me as the worst of possible things. Nazi, racist, bigot, homophobe, segregationist, fascist, communist, etc. Enjoy Ronny D, gator_lawyer. He's the future of the Republican Party. And keep telling yourself that his rise had nothing to do with people like you. You're only going to bring more politicians like him. And I'm here for it.
LOL. I didn't know it existed. Of course, I think the Supreme Court ruling on racial quotas was wrongly decided. I agree with Justice Marshall. But it appears the law was struck down: Overturn of corporate diversity quotas laws upheld in California appeals court You swing and miss more than Mario Mendoza. "I used to be a libertarian, but you said mean things to me, so I forsook all my principles." Hilarious. I didn't vote for him, I don't support him, and I don't defend him. It's people like yourself doing all three. Give yourself some credit.
By “you” did you mean the KKK? If so, I don’t care. The KKK (if there is anything left of them) has no redeeming value, so if I offended them-I don’t give a shi*
Ah... so you believe in freedom of association unless it's regarding minorities. And you support something that is prejudicial and unconstitutional on its face when it's to your political advantage. Why am I not surprised? Also, is the fact that a law is struck down sufficient for you to suggest that there's no problem? Will you say the same if laws the Florida legislature passes are ruled unconstitutional? No, I realized libertarianism is only achievable when the other side grants you a similar baseline courtesy. If your role in power is leaving people alone while the other side's role in power is clubbing people into submission, you will always lose and your dream for how the country should be will never be realized. My hope, people realize the problem with this sort of thing now that both sides have to pay the price for it and we go back to a country that relatively involves people respecting their neighbor even if they disagree with them on everything. Because this is the alternative. There does come a point where I think DeSantis should change or should go away, but considering that all Democrats seem to be denying that there's even a problem and seem to miss the point, looks like he's not going away any time soon.
So we have another member of the board of the NAACP vacationing in FL. I guess FL became extra racist in the last 2 years LOL. I want anyone thinking the NAACP is correct in their warning to own it. Let's see who believes this isn't a political joke.