African-Americans aren't welcome now? What in the wild wild world of sports is going on? Sounds like a cheap shot at the best Governor in America. ‘Hate-inspired’ leadership: NAACP is second group to warn against travel to Florida (
African Americans don’t like the idea of history being whitewashed by propagandists, and having African American studies canceled? I’m shocked! A “travel advisory” seems like a stretch. At the moment. Obviously meant to draw headlines.
Are you white and Christian? He absolutely reduced the voice of POC when he gerrymandered the state. There is zero argument on that fact. Would that upset you if your voice was marginalized AGAIN?
warn·ing noun a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation. "a red warning light"
Wonder what percentage of black people will make vacation decisions based on NAACP advisories. Have they ever issued any before?
I’m rooting for them hope this picks up steam. Snow birds and European tourists are hopefuly next. State needs to feel a little pain
Good luck with that! What would you ever do if those nasty republicans ever had their convention in Tampa. Your beloved SOHO would be painted red!!
This seems like something the klan would do. “Stay out of Florida unless you want trouble.” Good job, NAACP.
You don’t get out much do you? They did! It was a disaster. Satan sent a tropical storm our way and the whole city was blocked off downtown. Police and national guard everywhere hard to get on and off the island. Restaurants were shut down. Clint Eastwood embarrassed himself talking to an empty chair. Only economic benefit was to the strippers and escorts. Tampa said NYET to future GOP conventions. We chased those losers out of town.
African Americans are not a monolithic group. The Democrat leaning and endorsing NAACP dislikes African American studies being cancelled. I don't think Candace Owens, Ben Carson, or Tim Scott will have any issues with it. I'm sure the white democrats that attend UF or any other liberal universities in the US will have plenty of issues with it. But that is like saying water is wet or fire is hot. Of course, liberals are going to be upset when their ideology is being removed from the university system. This is more about politics than it is about race. Florida needs doctors, engineers, pharmacists, lawyers, teachers, data scientists, scientific researchers, entrepreneurs, etc. African American studies is not something that is necessary for anything. It is about as necessary as a Harry Potter would be if that was offered as a major. Cool if you want to study Harry Potter that is fine. I'm sure there are many people who like it. The bottom line is, though, grievance studies are worthless. It is like that girlfriend who keeps the toxic scorecard. And all she wants to do is keep the conversation centered on that because then she can control you. You are better off without her. Florida is better off investing their educational funds into things that really make a difference. Take that money and pump it into the STEM programs at Florida Polytech, USF, UCF, and UF.
Strippers and escorts are usually who benefits from any political gathering. I read that business in Davos was so brisk that the escorts had to be flown in because the locals couldn’t “handle the load”.
People who study things like History or African American studies often learn exceptional critical thinking skills. Skills that are often never learned in stem or business schools. Skills that can help a business avoid group think and be successful. Universities are also not trade schools. They exist to teach more than just stem degrees. Having African American studies students on campus helps with diversity and fulfill the university's mission of teaching people to be full humans, not just automatons that know their subject of study, but little else. What the NAACP is doing is a publicity stunt and will likely have little effect. But all yourself why they even feel the need to do something like this?
Florida isn't safe for any group any longer other than white men. Good on the NAACP for putting the warning out there.