Body can footage recently dropped of a college student who killed two people last year in a DUI related accident. As someone who has lost loved ones to drunk drivers, you can’t not watch this video and not be infuriated. Absolutely careless attitude towards her actions, and clearly someone who has never been held responsible for anything in her life. Total sociopath.
By the thread title, I thought this was going to be about a poster on the covid thread. After watching the video, I feel confident to expanding the scope of the condemnation to "worst person".
The end where she's talking about making it to class is absolutely infuriating. I don't know if it's in the video, but she got sentenced to 14 years.
The fact that she only got 14 years is the more crazy thing, especially after seeing that body cam footage and how much she didn’t care. That should have gotten her way more time from the judge purely for that. She also joked during all this that she was “proud” to be a part of the DUI club and that all of her friends have had one in the past. She is simply lacking in empathy in any capacity. That cop who dealt with her had the patience of a saint.
Seems like she was on pills or something too in addition to being hammered. She simply was not grasping the severity of the situation. Plenty of time to think about it now.
This was my thought as well. Anyone hammered enough on alcohol only would be slurring and falling down if they were so drunk to not realize what had just happened. I've seen a few minutes of the beginning and all of the end in the exam room. No way she doesn't comprehend and still be able to talk somewhat normally like that.
For real. This lady can take Ubers for the rest of her life when she gets out. Absolutely should never be allowed to drive on public roads again.
I feel bad for all the parties involved and obviously the family and the loved ones. I actually know someone who killed a mother of a young family out west when she was drunk driving. She wasnt (isnt) evil. She was (is) just an alcoholic who led an irresponsible life that cost an innocent woman her life. Jail is the correct punishment but it doesnt bring back the victim or ease the suffering. And I do have sympathy for the responsible party and just shake my head at the utter tragedy of it all.
That seems pretty standard. DUI is not capital murder, so should’t carry death or life in prison. 14 years is a long ass time, provided she serves most of it. That affluenza punk from a few years ago only got like a couple years, and he killed 4 people. I agree this person should never be allowed a license. Unfortunately there is no mechanism for that and different states have different rules. Can take solace in her future life plans being ruined while she rots in jail. Unfortunately when she gets out, she’ll be a middle aged unemployable loser with no likely prospects. So her first instinct will probably be… get drunk.
.16 is the beginning of blackout level drunk .264 is ridiculous Don't waste time judging her actions that were recorded. She was so far out of her mind by that point (even if she seemed somewhat put together). Is it frustrating? Absolutely, but what behavior can you reasonably expect of somebody at a level of .264? I found this on another site... She may not have grasped the magnitude of her situation in the video, but it seems like she has a better understanding now. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Probably a pampered spoiled young woman who had never been held accountable for anything in her life. Rip to the victims, she’ll have a long time to think about her actions