Apparently it is “woke” to consider that suggestive ads with women selling beer isn’t a great idea in modern times. Fragile men with small penises are upset with that and I assume will now only drink water. I hope they like fluoride. Miller Lite boycott calls grow over beer commercial: "Did nobody learn" Social-media users are now calling for a boycott of Miller Lite over what they describe as a "woke" advert. It follows a backlash against Bud Light over a partnership with a transgender influencer. The commercial at the center of the outrage discusses the historical role that women played in beer brewing. It appears as an apology from Miller for some of its prior advertising campaigns, which the company itself described as "outdated".
I’m sure there is no perceived economic benefit behind these ads; it’s our irrational wokeness. Society is not changing. Just have to fight back and you’ll be fine
that ad doesn't even ban anything or cost taxpayers a dime. It puts no restrictions on anything & doesn't even involve BIG GOV. 'at shit's weak! I live in a Blue state & OF COURSE we have tons of heavy handed laws forbidding any company from using scantily clad women & if they do we can complain to a huge bureaucracy of agenda driven indoctrinating assholes. NOT
It just tells you that mores have changed regarding using objectification to advertise. I enjoyed it in my youth. The Swedish Bikini Team. But then you think about it and you understand the point, even if you enjoyed the old way. Or you don’t, like those protesting. I had a buddy that loved doing business in China because he said it was still that way. Doesn’t mean it’s fair.
Oh yes the new term for any beer that has any LGBTQ affiliation is called a “queer beer.” Funny thing is those are the best selling beers in the country. But I know what you guys are thinking.
No one likes change of something you were comfortable with. But no one is immune to it. Life is about adjusting
You would think the insult would be in suggesting that most dudes are such mouth breathers that seeing a woman in a bra would convince them to buy one beer over another. If not for sports I may have never seen a video ad for the last decade. I mute the ads on websites, run adblockers, skip ads on streamers, etc. It is amazing to me that this many people are apparently still dominated by thirty second propaganda pieces. Mostly the same population enraged by kids watching TikTok vids.
Imagine the loser who is offended by this ad. Well, I guess you don't have to. It's a UToothless fan. They aren't much for women having rights.