Maybe they come around, but he’s not polling well with young minorities, and he will need them next year. A much more fruitful discussion and and analysis than a single kid at Howard.
NYT had a similar piece this past weekend. i think some come around, and some stay home. There’s more movement among traditional coalitions on both sides than in the past 40 years.
Maybe they can get smart and create a coalition for someone a) younger b) more likable c) younger d) sharper e) younger. It's a terribly simplistic view, but the American electorate is terribly simplistic.
No one should be surprised imo. It’s difficult for reasonably intelligent, sane people to build a coalition in support of the “lesser of two evils” concept. Biden or trump is an absolutely terrible set to choose from.
Considering the Biden coalition in '20 was basically an anti-Trump coalition, the best possible news for him is Trump being around to do a lot of the work to reassemble it.
The polling may reflect something real, but I am always wary of those that seek to explain the why of polling results, which are largely unknowable and thus speculative. But this is from the article: But after eight years of Obama in office, Black America still faced ongoing incidents of police brutality and continued struggling with underachieving schools for Black children and high rates of poverty. When Biden spoke to young Black people at Howard, he was addressing young people with little reason to think any politician, be it Obama or Biden, will rescue them, their parents or their neighborhoods. Accepting that as accurate, which I don’t necessarily, it shows why those like DeSantis like to signal through supporting Daniel Penny, blaming “BLM Riots”, etc. Police brutality not only sells to his base, who see it as a positive, it demoralizes those who might seek true justice.
I’ve never had much sympathy for minority groups or individuals who vote Republican or don’t vote considering their actions/inactions are against their own best interests. I think some, like Clarance Thomas, are just more comfortable around white people than others of color. However despite them wanting a younger, and more progressive candidate than Biden it’s highly doubtful there will be a mass exodus toward authoritarian Republican candidates, and will stick with the President.
They won't vote for his opponent. Whether they abstain from voting is probably based on who his opponent will be.
That’s fine JJ. The minority groups and individuals that you refer to have figured things out for themselves and really don’t want or need your sympathy and they surely don’t want your policies that keep them all on the Democratic National Plantation.
If the republicans run anyone except Trump against the old fart they win. Biden’s team is hoping and praying Trump wins the primary. If so the usual voters will be spurred on by the complicit media to vote. Otherwise they have no valid reason to want Biden in office.
That’s fine. If they’re happy being arrested and imprisoned more than whites for the same crime, being murdered by cops, being told they have to work harder to vote, and are for policies that favor rich white people than making the pie bigger for everyone then that’s their business. However the idea that minorities are moving toward the Republican Party is an overhyped pipe dream.
Biden has named the first Black women to the US Supreme Court, He has named more minority lawyers as federal judges than any other President by a wide margin, Black unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of recording the stat and he chose Kamala Harris to be his Vice President. He hasn't done a thing to earn their vote.
They’re imprisoned at a higher rate because….get this, they commit more crimes. Holy shit! Ladies and gentlemen. We have a winner.
As always reading is a problem with many on the right. Go back and read my post again more carefully and try again. Meanwhile read this:
Georgia state university article. That’s pretty weak. Oragator has posted stats from the fbi to show what I said about who is committing the crimes. It’s not that hard.
I just checked. The answer is overwhelmingly MEN. What should we do about the male culture of violence? 87% of offenders are MALE. What to do?
It's often pithily observed that we could effectively end crime if we preemptively locked up every 15 yo male and released him at 25 (some say 27 or 29 based on certain statistics). Either way, it makes the point