Yep, things that would help mental health: 1. Increased access to medical care, substance abuse care, and counseling. 2. Lowering the pressures around work in the short-term to allow people to find jobs that truly make them happy rather than stay in bad situations to make sure they don't become homeless or food insecure. 3. Stop encouraging the development of more dangerous drugs due to the war on drugs, which incentivizes drugs like fentanyl because they pack a huge punch per pound, which is huge when trying to smuggle illegal products (we saw the same thing happen during prohibition when absurdly high alcohol content beverages were created to lower volume). Things that the Republican Party supports that would improve mental health:
Well, you might begin by offering a counter point. For example, I believe assault rifles should be banned. If you disagree, what is your rationale for keeping assault rifles? And I disagree that us guys "don't like guns." Plenty of us own guns, but are fed up with the ways guns have been used to kill innocent people in public places that should be reserved for recreation, shopping, education, and worship.
Then we address that specific problem. In the meantime, there are reasons that mass shooters appear to be leaning on the AR15 type weapon to carry out these atrocities.
Relatively low cost for both weapon and ammo easily modified, very available which all in all is a very bad mix
exactly. And these weapons have gone from 2% of all gun purchases in 2002 to 25% of guns today because gun nutters are psychopaths.
Right. Just like the media doesn’t cover small car wrecks but pileups get national attention. Come on now.
Maybe they do maybe they don’t. Maybe they care because of guns, and it’s a way they think they can keep their guns.
He called it “machine gun” bacon. If a liberal called an assault style rifle a machine gun we would have 5 pages decrying the ignorance of guns by liberals.
I may be wrong, but my interpretation of the Republicans' statements about mental health isn't to suggest that the government should or could solve the issue, but that as individuals we should do a better job of recognizing and helping the neighbors we see struggling, encouraging supportive families with present fathers, spreading the gospel, etc. So more of a grass-roots type approach than a legislative one.
Do not read this on a full stomach. The shooters alleged social media account is documented in detail below. Many posts.