Well done by an unbiased media. But they left a ton of meat on the bone when talking about that bonehead, Biden. Biden is a world wide disgrace.
Did he really refer to a sit-down interview with MSNBC as a "major press conference"? I never know what's real these days. And the Amtrak bit, he's struggling badly. Who's running the country, is the question.
Actually Australia is quite centrist, but Sky News Australia, which is the source of your video, is owned by ultra conservative Rupert Murdoch, so making fun of the President shouldn’t be a surprise. However to say the President is the laughing stock of all Australia complete nonsense. https://morningconsult.com/2023/02/21/biden-more-popular-than-trump-abroad/
Unbelievably sad that it’s a foregone conclusion Trump wins the nomination again after losing and instigating an insurrection on the capitol. The GOP has lost its damn mind.
I don't care who owns them. They didn't make that stuff up. It kind of makes you wonder who is behind the scenes running this country.
Biden is an idiot but he’s the incumbent. It’s not like he got his ass kicked last time. Y’all are in uncharted waters of stupidity right now.
I was only pointing to Rick’s claim of an unbiased source. It wasn't, and had a clear agenda. I am not a Biden fan, but almost any politician could have a blooper reel. Obama with 51 states, they didn’t build that, Bush Jr dancing and claiming he won’t get fooled again, looking in Putin’s eyes. Trump, well that would need an oscar worthy editor etc. Anyone with enough time in the spotlight could be made to look silly by someone with some time on their hands. But if it plays to a narrative and makes people feel better about their choices then it serves its purpose.
Well the new tunnel here in Baltimore is actually a big deal although will still be a while before that project is done.
Speaking of laughing stock. A brief history of world leaders laughing at Trump https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/09/trump-unga-laughter/571267/ UN members laugh at Trump after 'most accomplishments in US history' claim Speaking of Australia and while this is several years old Joe Biden wasn't the first American president mocked by Australians. Australian Leader Mocks Donald Trump: ‘We Are Winning So Much’ Another article from Sky News slightly different subject it also illustrates the "objectivity" of the source. ttps://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/piers-morgan/donald-trump-an-incredibly-powerful-figure-in-republican-party/video/f2dea57767909cda332d6aa60745b6ac