The US has a below average outside of marriage birth rate for a developed country. And yet, when Serbia had 2 of these sorts of shootings this week, they all freaked out and said this sort of thing doesn't happen here (many of them added that it only happens in America when interviewed). So why don't all of those other developed countries have nearly as many mass shootings as we do?
Out of wedlock births are a significant problem especially in the black community (72%), much higher than in the white community (30%) and 1 in 10 for Asians ‘Percentage of Births to Unmarried Women’ | National Review @AgingGator i see your disagree. My initial info was dated so I updated my post.
Most likely because the denominator rose much faster than the numerator. Doesn’t really tell you anything, does it. That’s the danger of relying on suspect statistics not normalized accurately for impacting factors.
Some people will bring up any argument just to avoid admitting that the access to guns play any role in the killings.
Again, 40 to 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce. That is not the only reason for devaluation of life, but it is a contributing factor. I never claimed it was the only one. And "meh" was more about the idea of attempting to directly correlate the incidents of mass shootings with divorce rate per thousand on a year-by-year basis, as if divorce rate would manifest itself in such a way in the same year, lol. That's a case of making stats say whatever you want and ignoring reality. If you don't think the breakdown of the family has contributed to breakdown of society, enjoy your spreadsheets. I like reality better.
I mean, that doesn't make any logical sense. Setting aside that population growth is decelerating and has been for decades in the US, if the population is increasing faster than the total number of murders, that means that a lower proportion of the population is engaging in murder or being murdered. It also means that you were much more likely to be murdered or murder in the 1970s than you are now (assuming that you remain one person). So why is that?
Same here, I was a Junior the year our school system integrated in the 60s. I carried what they used to call a Saturday Night Special in the glove box of my ford falcon. A bunch of us used to go target shooting or rabbit hunting after school. The only school shooting I remember even hearing about back then was the Texas tower shooting.
So why not allow people to carry hand grenades, and trust that they will exercise personal responsibility and use them wisely. We live in a free society with a lot of dumb, mentally ill and drug addicted and stressed out members. People do stupid shit all the time. Why do we think they all will exercise personal responsibility when it comes to guns? Why do we require drivers licenses? Can’t we just trust citizens to use personal responsibility when driving?
What do you mean “float”? They passed bills in the House 100% on party lines, that the Senate didn’t take up thanks to Manchin (and unless Manchin would vote to strip the filibuster, you’d actually need 10 R Senators to get some balls and do the right thing here). House Passes Gun Control Bills to Strengthen Background Checks (Published 2021)
A dirty little secret is there is a pretty high correlation between legalized abortion and lower crime rates a couple of decades later. I wonder if it’s possible we are starting to see a rebound in crime as abortions started decreasing in the 90s.
See how quickly the focus has gone away from the tragedy today. Conversation has successfully been diverted to family value degradation, single parent households, mental illness, and drug addiction. Has nothing to do with guns, right?
I never said the breakdown of the family wasn’t a problem on the US. But you’re moving the goal posts you set 3 pages ago. You introduced a chart that showed mass shootings spiking the past 20 years and in the same post claimed that increasing broken families including families broken by divorce were the root cause of these mass shootings. Mathematically you’re just plain wrong. Period. Full stop. Divorce rates haven’t increased while mass shootings have increased dramatically, and it has nothing to your “living in the real world” and me “living in spreadsheets”. It’s you typing out of your ass based on your personal perception without regard to statistics (which are in fact, calculated in spreadsheets)
Shall we ban alcohol too, while we're at it? Lots more people dying out there due to drunk driving. We sure do lean on "personal responsibility" when it comes to alcohol and driving. So, ban booze? That'll go over way easier than banning guns will, I'll give you that much.
Many of these so called social pathology metrics, what Buckley called virtues and Moynihan labeled “defining deviant down” (think it was him), were held to be failures of black culture, unique to that culture. But a lot of the same “pathologies” seem to find their way into white areas that are economically devastated, and the rates are catching up. Rate of births to white single moms accelerates The rate of unmarried white females having babies nearly tripled between 1980 and 2016, rising from 10 percent to almost 30 percent. The rate of unmarried white females having babies nearly tripled between 1980 and 2016, rising from 10 percent to almost 30 percent, according to Child Trends, a nonprofit research organization. That figure, which measures births to females ages 15 to 44, is about twice as high as the 15 percent of births to unmarried white females in 1990. While the white rate is accelerating, overall numbers for nonmarital births among minorities are higher. For example, 70 percent of births in the African American community are to unmarried mothers, a rate that hasn’t changed since the early 1990s. Among Latinas, it’s 53 percent. Rate of births to white single moms accelerates Also think opioids. In the 80s, the crack epidemic was a sign of black depravity, to be addressed criminally with heavy crackdowns, deprivation of civil rights, and mass incarceration. But opioids, not so much. Which I think is the smarter approach, mind you. The evidence supports that. But it wasn’t seen as “smart” in other communities
It wasn't intended as a mathematics lesson. The graph was posted simply to show how the number of incidents have spiked exponentially from almost 0 in the past 20 years. You're the one trying to make it a mathematics lesson, which is par for the course around here.
No more than cars do with driving deaths. A car can't turn without a person behind the wheel. A gun can't fire without a person pulling the trigger.
I guess the difference is people drink booze for fun. They buy guns because they think they need to protect themselves from others with guns. There are plenty of countries that have very few guns. Banning booze just flat out doesn’t work. Plus the objective of booze isn’t to kill people. Guns are explicitly made to kill people and apart from hunting serve little other purpose. I mean think about it. It’s idiotic. People are allowed to procure and carry with no restrictions something that they can just whip out and kill a half dozen people or more in an instant. And then we are shocked when somebody actually does.