I didn't realize it was that close. So India and China have more than one-third of the world's population between them. Does the Asian influence become dominant in the coming years? Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Interesting how they estimate that number. There are still so many people "living outside the system" in the less developed areas in India, as well as in the western-most parts of China.
I saw that too about India surpassing China in population and was a bit surprised. And India is backsliding on democracy. We know about China. Not sure what all that means, but it's not Fukayama
We clearly need to step up our American breeding process. Probably why Biden is letting the world in our backdoor.
I believe it, every time I try to call for help or information I get an Indian guy on the phone. They are everywhere.
actually, no. I did a google search and that story was one that popped up. I was able to read it, but not link it apparently. Apologies.
I get calls from someone who's obviously Indian, obviously in a call center, and he says "Hello, my name is Kevin ..."
The gop can ban abortion all they want, we won't be reaching the one billion plus mark any time soon (and why the hell would we want to?).
Allegedly, they’re taught to do that to help relate to their U.S. and English speaking customers. Apparently, a lot of them will also attempt to speak with a Texas western accent or try to fit in depending on where you’re located in the country. It doesn’t really help and is super obvious, though. Lol.
I don't know, with all the Dumbocrats waving immigrants in at the border we could.........Is this how the too hot game is played?