Trying to make chicken salad. I'd be happy to see 75% runs if we're moving chains and scoring. WatchingJohson and Etienne work is very enjoyable. Mix in some competent passing.... Liked the misderection screen to Jean last night. Sweet.
I hope he turns out as great as you predict. But...defenses are almost always ahead of offenses in the spring and early part of the season.
The energy level on defense is something I have felt for the past couple of seasons, or more, has been very low. I think Armstrong is going to ramp it up considerably. If he can teach and scheme, we have a winner!
Pump the breaks. The defense was not handcuffed last night like they usually are in these games. They had a green light all night long to destroy whatever was in front of them. But YES …love the energy this guy brings.
I think Austin Armstrong is right where he needs to be for at least 6 more years. If he's proven to be "that guy" as a DC.
I agree with most of this- CBN has next level run packages. The problem is the passing game is archaic and you HAVE to throw it to win. No championship teams are that run heavy. But the biggest concern I have is - flow. Last night that followed up two GORGEOUS crossing routes with consecutive runs up the middle. They don’t use tempo the right way if at all… there just isn’t any rhythm. And we saw it all year last year. The best coaches have a feel and we do not