Missouri House shows that they can be as stupid and autocratic as Florida or Texas Edited to add. I apologize for omitting the Tennessee Legislature from the list of contestants for whatever you call this contest. They deserved to be included
Its a little sad that a lot of the books are just MOR stuff you'd find on the NYT bestseller list, rather than obscure or controversial books
Does anyone even go to a library anymore I mean to be honest I haven't been in one in over a decade. I guess with Amazon books there wasn't a need anymore
Atwood wrote our future in the MaddAddam trilogy. It's scary how many of the things she predicted in those novels are actually being developed.
How many books have Democrat politicians sought to ban? How many have attempted to undermine public education in favor of expensive, exlusive private education? I am sure that there may be some, I am just not aware of them these days. I remember Claude Pepper fought against raising money for education left and right since he represented a district that was mostly old people back in the 1980's. How many can you name?
All the time. Rarely to check anything out, but our libraries host a ton of classes and community events, in addition to public service events (food drives, clothing & housewares drives for refugees, etc.). My band has been hosting a free weekly jam session at the library all winter. Around here they’re a point of civic pride.