After how badly we pitched today after pitching so well the first two games I expect you to have at least two tumblers. Our pitching defecated the sheets.
Timing is really everything in so many aspects of life isn’t it lol. Foolproof is also incredibly valuable when one could possibly be distracted by toddler shenanigans. My method above is simply what I learned in culinary school and early years in the business.
I admit part of me takes offense to being referred to as a new cook, if you only knew lol. Along the lines of foolproof and or just awesome don’t underestimate the power of a brine for pork or poultry in particular. Bit of advanced planning required but the results are chef kiss.
No offense intended. I just find that I can get close to the same result much easier but there is some risk.
Yes, ice bath is the preferred method and is foolproof. It is the preferred method. I don't have a toddler but I do have a puppy so when preparing dinner I need to keep everything simple. It is just that I have been able to cook green beans to exactly the tenderness that I like by taking them out of the water when not quite done and spray them with cold water. I get the tooth but not quite the color. The green isn't as bright but when cooking for my family it isn't all about presentation.
All good mate! I’ve got toddlers so everything is risky lol. That’s why I mentioned brines, forget your chicken in the oven for a few minutes??? If it was brined your ok. Over cooking chicken in the restaurants I grew up in was a murderable offense lol.
Polished off the Jambalaya leftovers tonight. I spent nearly the entire game working on the greens for the Easter dinner tomorrow. Not hard to cook, but a pain in the ass to prep… the washing, rinsing, tearing …then the bacon & onions and such. Took forever… but DAMN …they’re good. Wife is handling the jalapeños corn bread. Which I appreciate.
I never cook chickens in the oven. I mostly smoke chickens now on my kamado cooker. Always moist and always delish. And when I do I smoke two of them. They make outstanding enchiladas.
Here’s the thing, no matter the cooking method you choose there’s zero downside to brining unless preparing ahead of time is an issue. I try to do my prep whatever it is when the monsters sleep. Brining adds tons of flavor on top of tenderness and defense vs toddler/puppy distractions. Btw I’m sure puppy is 13/10 super cute!
Unless they’re home raised sure there’s a lot of stuff in them, god only knows what but pre brined? If that’s so we food shop in different places.
You are clearly a guy that knows his way around the kitchen. My major peeve with recipes is ones where they say to take 10 minutes to caramelize onions. LOL! It usually takes me at least 45 minutes to do it properly.
There’s no such thing as recipes in cooking. Recipes are only for bakers and I’m probably the worst baker. For chefs recipes are just guidelines lol