actually it was both. The organized militia and the unorganized militia. Neither was quite like the national guard today. The national guard only was intended to replace the organized militia. The other never ceased the exist
Great points. the time it takes to properly train anyone to clear a structure is significant… Those skills aren’t acquired during annual range qualification. Are people ready to fund that ?
So, 22 pages in and I have not said much because I freely admit that I know almost nothing about guns, gun ownership and gun usage. I am largely out of 2nd Amendment debates due to ignorance. However, even I recognize that we have to start doing things to protect our children and adults from mass and random shootings. I recognize that no one action is going to "solve" things and almost all actions are likely to upset a some segment of the population. What I cannot understand is why we cannot start with "small nails" and whittle away at this problem and make significant reductions, while acknowledging we will never stop all of it? If only the two parties had not crushed centrists decades ago, I feel like we would be well down the path of gun violence reduction.
Nobody is saying do nothing. But don’t implement poorly crafted gun control that wouldn’t actually fix anything in the name of just wanting to do something.
Jumpout boys. Im not sure who responded to Uvalde but when the Jumpout boys show up - there is usually no hesitation. They are specifically trained for this stuff.
Don't worry dudes. We'll solve the problem in the next mass shooting thread next week. See ya'll there.
Following the Israeli model limit ammo sales to 25 rounds per year. Will take a while to deplete the biggest nutters but will definitely have an impact soon. I’ve got so many good ideas on this.
There are relatively cheap ways to secure classroom doors available right now. Why aren’t schools doing this ? Quickest fix and doesn’t require new legislation
If these people were in charge of the Everglades python response, both I-75 and I-95 would be slithering masses of snakes by now.
Ironic that the hunters out there right now hunting those in the glades all carry weapons you wants to ban and extra ammo at home
no. I was speaking to the ‘type’ of individual ( likely gun nutz) that hunts snakes in the glades. There is a 99.9% chance each of them carry weapons in their car and boat.
“We want people to be extremely well-trained with their weapons if they’re going to have them.” “We would also prefer if they could never actually shoot their guns.” Those two are incongruous with one another. The folks who are best trained and safest with their guns? They’re almost certainly the same people who have tens of thousands of rounds of ammo because it’s not unheard of for them to shoot 500-1,000 rounds in the course of a single weekend. The kinds of classes you all suggest folks would need to take to be “well regulated” frequently require you to bring a couple hundred rounds of pistol ammo and at least 800 rounds of rifle ammo for a single weekend course.
It's always the people who will never have to worry about being stuck in a classroom with 30 terrified kids while a mass shooter lurks outside in the hallway who have the most to say about what schools should be doing LOL