The moral question underlying it is an interesting one (particularly for libertarian leaning GOPers), but more fundamentally a statistic that does not include intentional self-harm would be a much more accurate measure of the risk of becoming a victim of “gun violence” to the population writ large. Not many people, when discussing the rate of violent crime, mean that they’re worried about committing violence against themselves.
I can’t recall. I must have seen it somewhere but I like to think I came up with it myself. I have a record of coming up with new uses for words to amuse myself (easy to do) on other forums that have been somewhat adopted like “skyrocketing downward”. That really aggravates some people but if a rocket can skyrocket up why not down? Also “elk” instead of ilk as in referring to group of bovine people as “retarded elk”. Also has its detractors among the “ilk”
More mass shootings are done with 9mm. Probably on a given weekend more shootings take place with 9mm more people are killed more people are injured than the AR15 dies in a year. The number of law abiding citizens that own, compete, hunt, and shoot Ar 15s recreationally compared to those that use it for despicable purposes is massive. Do we know how many people Audrey Hame shot with the assault style rifle ( may not have even been an A15) vs one of the two pistols she carried?
Have they officially stated if she used the keltec as it showed in photos…. If so, that’s basically a 9mm pistol
Hit all guns with reasonable gun control laws and ban assault weapons. Problem SOLved (er greatly mitigated). Probably going to have to go the Israeli method on ammo as 400M guns are going to be hard to get off the street. Fire all the bullets you want to rent at shooting ranges if that’s your thing…
Reporting what? every case they have or just the ones where the person in question is stupid enough to tell their provider they plan to slaughter a bunch of people? Which btw is already a requirement. Tarasoff.
I just saw her shooting with some type of perversely optioned assault weapon. Also she had 7 guns. If you MUST own a gun limit it to two..
Not that I’ve seen, but it’s what was in her hands in all the surveillance footage and what’s laying next to her once she’s down in the bodycam footage.
That begs the question though, if the possibility of you being the victim of gun violence is so remote why are some people scared to go to Publix without their gun?
With regard to limiting the access of mentally unstable individuals to dangerous, destructive instruments capable of injuring others …. will mentally unstable people be able to possess empty glass bottles, rags, and gasoline? Will they be allowed to own, rent, or borrow a motor vehicle? I agree mentally disturbed individuals should not possess a firearm but how do we keep them from access one? And, who decides which people are mentally disturbed?
Well if it helps you draft future legislation, the rounds that come from that ‘perversely optioned assault weapon’ are making an argument that is opposite of what you are intending . Without going into ballistics, The bullets coming from that keltec are the exact same ones that come from a regular pistol. Same weight, same velocity. Even the magazine that feeds it can be ejected and inserted into a pistol. So an assault weapon ban would literally have zero effect on the lethality of this perpetrator. In addition based on the size of the keltec it is actually easier ( based on a novice ability to manipulate the Weapon efficiently) to change the magazine on a pistol which makes it more lethal than the keltec she used
So there is a problem with children getting shot and killed in domestic situations. There is also a problem with children getting shot and killed in schools. What's the common denominator? . . . . Children! Obviously we need more effective anti-children legislation.
You're right about the relative number of mass shootings by handguns and assault rifles. I should have been more specific that assault rifles are generally the common thread in the most deadly shootings. Unfortunately a small number of people can ruin something for the masses which is why we had to take our shoes off at the airport for 20 years. I know we're not going to agree on this but I can live with inconveniencing hunters and competition shooters in exchange for eliminating things like Sandy Hook, Pulse Night Club, and Uvalde.
I’ve got all kinds of good legislative ideas - like making magazines harder to switch out. No one should just be able to swap them out like pez dispensers. If you can’t kill whom ever you want to with nine round you should probabl just die. Sadly I am not in charge…
One day it absolutely will happen, but long after we are all gone. It's called evolution and one day many humans will be much smarter about guns. Unless the meteor gets us first.
That’s actually a really neat idea I hadn’t considered. I’m sure one of our resident GI Joes will be along shortly to explain how this would be a gross violation of their 2nd amendment rights.
As long as there are humans there will be other humans wanting to harm them. So more likely guns will be replaced by a more efficient platform