My concern in this particular show would have been the reported simulated masturbation. My friends and I, like gatorlawyer, did and still do the hand gestures to each other when someone is being a jerk off. I even do it with my grown sons. But I never did it with my boys when they were pre-teen and would have taken exception if a teacher or coach would have as well. If this show was just a drag fashion show, or a Freddie Mercury impersonation then this is most likely much ado about nothing. But people generally don’t pay or make profit off of a boring drag fashion show so I do expect that there really may have been quite a bit put in to “spice things up” some. This is typically where lines get crossed. I was at the 1981 Halloween Ball at UF that basically forced Dr. Marston to cancel the event. Gatorknights and I used to share fond memories of that night. Wendy O. Williams and The Plasmatics with probably 5,000 to 10,000 college students supervised by a few UF Police. Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll, with a hell of a lot of Alcohol added in for extra measure. Even as I was enjoying the hell out of myself there I knew that it was really no place where I would want my little sister to be able to attend as a HS Sophomore.
This entire statement is a circular argument... logical fallacy. And Yes, I do get the point that you are NOT making.
Lol. No. I'm just ok with society putting some lines in the sand in regard to standards for minors and I dont lose my mind over "muh freedums" everytime a standard is set.
"Fake female genitalia" and "simulated masterbation" go a bit beyond singing some Christmas carols would you agree?
Ok, I'll spell it out: Hypocritical republicans who bark about liberty, being pro business, for small government etc and then proceed to engage in behavior that contradicts all of that.
Standards are one thing (voluntary movie ratings are standards), conservatives are advocating stuff with the force of law or state imposed punishments. This issue was solved the minute the event was (re)labeled as "18+ recommended." That someone may have brought a 16 year old kid is their own business, and doesn't warrant retaliation against the venue who complied with everything they were asked to do and gave adequate warning to attendees.
Have a good friend who laments “I feel like I lost a son.” He’s a she now. Damned circus clowns got to the kid. Lesson learned. Don’t look down sewers.
So you were wrong. That isnt me. Thank you for clarifying. My daughters both dance at a high level. One now in college minoring in it, the other planning on attending UNC School of the Arts in a couple years. Dance is something we take very seriously in our home and we have been quite vocal over the years about the trash that these dance moms force their children to do. Frankly if a state wanted to ban that type of trash exploiting young girls I would 100% support it. Where did I limit my opinion to this topic? Sexualization of minors is evil. Putting it in a childs face is also evil. Your personal lie about me was baseless and idiotic but sadly par for the course with you.
That explanation is shocking and outrageous as well as imaginary. Minors were not admitted unless they were accompanied by an adult. So the beef DuhSantis is having shouldn’t be with the hotel, but with the parents who took the minors to the show. Oh, and for the record they still have their liquor license, and this is the third time DuhSantis has filed a complaint. DeSantis attempts to revoke Miami hotel's liquor license over drag show
Here is a full show of "Drag Christmas" from Wichita. Couldn’t find a full show from Florida in the few seconds I searched. I watched in fast forward. I’m not saying it’s my type of entertainment but there was nothing in there as bad as watching the movie "The Hangover".. at least that I saw during my scan. It’s definitely risqué in places with very off color jokes for sure but I surely wouldn’t call it obscene or porn. I’m not taking my kid but not sure why it’s over the top an issue.
Let’s give republicans credit, they know where sexual deviations belong; schoolyards and airport restrooms like good Christian people such as Matt Gaetz and Larry Craig intended them to be.
Let’s see the link that shows that this happened on the Ru Paul Christmas tour that performed at high end performing art centers all over the country.
Compare the all-in here vs. the cautious 'wait and see' on the Houston schools government takeover thread. Here, it's PANIC! ALARM! this vague* complaint from a partisan State agency (not from parents) says the KiDs ArE iN dAnGeR! There, it's gosh - maybe the State has a good reason for this unAmerican government crackdown on local elected leaders. There's not enough info for me to mount a defense decide what's happening. Let's wait and see. * From the article, no complaining parents are noted. The minor(s) is said to be 'under 16', which leaves plenty of room for a parent to decide their kid is old enough to attend vs. the kindergarten-field-trip-forced-to-watch-from-the-first-row hysterics. The other items from the State's complaint are 'prosthetic female genitalia' and 'simulating masturbation'. So, fake boobs and crotch grabs at a Drag Queen show. (Not to worry, this clip is from 1996's Multiplicity rated PG-13)
An easy fix to this would be to re-word “accompanied by an adult” to “accompanied by a parent or guardian”. Of course the onus for checking is on the hotel, just like IDs for alcohol is the onus of the seller to verify.
Squirrel! No one is "all in" here. I have said that a rating system would solve this. Drag shows should be permitted in a free society regardless of my opinion of it. It's the sexual content in front of children that's gross. I've also said that in the Abbott case he there should be expedited elections to allow the people to replace the failing board.