It's not difficult to spot Trump 2024 billboards and signs here, in the Grand Valley. Have not seen a single sign for any other announced or prospective GOP candidate.
DeSantis response: "That is not enough. We need to go after wokeness too. New York City is a den of diversity. Chicago is a den of diversity. In fact it's going on everywhere you look. We need to start freeing America by sending people back where they came from. With some exceptions, of course. Like my folks, who came from Italy. And I want to thank Donald Trump for publicly announcing that he is not going to call me Meatball Ron."
That whole " go back where you came from" thing may just catch on... in Native American communities....
Silly partisanship in the going epoch of fascism ... My Democrat Governor would not allow businesses to open, in 2020, and had peaceful protestors arrested for objecting to his fascism. He then marched with BLM with his (mandated) mask hanging from his ears, the hypocritical fascist he.
You should move to North Carolina. We have a great democrat Governor. Very middle of the road policies that achieved low deaths and strong business. Waaaaaay better than South Carolina on both. He was still was accused of fascism by people who think viruses and vaccines are not real things. Youre smarter than that I assume.
George Bush 2005 Katrina - waited for Democrat Governor to invite him in. Response: "GWB is an idiot, does not care, hates black people, etc." Donald Trump 2023 Crime issues - "I will not wait to be invited in" Response: Response: "Facist Orange Man still bad." We get it. Republicans - no matter what they do - can do no right.
Yes, because responding to a natural disaster is the first thing that comes to mind from Trumps words. What is the deal with conservatives and horrid analogies?
Hmmm....I thought we were discussing Federalism vs. Fascism. In one instance the Republican respected LA Governor's right - and was pilloried for his decision. In another instance the Republican threatens to use Federal troops - and is pilloried for his comment.
I’m in NC. I’m referring to the fascist Cooper who was, for many months, deaf to the cries of despairing business owners.
It wasn’t that long ago. Blanco and Nagin were both blamed for their inept decision making for Katrina. Federalism should be the standard, not the exception. Trump’s comments are more about him having an early warning about how he will use any flair as “I told you so”. It’s fairly savvy, although also dumb at the same time because his execution will be fairly poor and backfire. Lots of protests will occur and put the National Guard in a really bad place.
No shit Sherlock. That’s why I baited you like a catfish. Cooper is great. Runs a solid administration.
Thanks for allowing me to ‘reel in’ the opportunity to weigh in on the fascist regime North Carolinians lived under in 2020.
That supposedly loyal Americans would fete Trump is - I can think of no other word - sad. How low the GOP has sunk is simply inexplicable. Trump shows in Iowa he still rules the GOP -- despite his deepening criminal peril | CNN Politics What drives this insanity?
Trump wanting to roll tanks into Chicago isn't all that far off from all these R-governors erasing local governments' powers to institute their hard right agendas in Dem areas. A Viktor Orban style fascist state is the ideal goal.
Trump supporter in Erie PA wants to kill em all. Far right media guy (Alvarez) "agrees with him" then goes online to say he didn't hear him. You be the judge... Transcript
So, you’re posting from jail or what? Fascists don’t tolerate this type of truth-telling. One minute you’re beside a hospital window on the 8th floor, the next Hillary’s List has to be updated.