You just moved the goalposts. The death penalty has most definitely, absolutely been proposed for women getting abortions in South Carolina, no ifs, and or buts, your little word game notwithstanding. Yes, without question. Happy?
The SC rep is in no position to propose the death penalty. The death penalty must be sought subsequent to a guilty verdict and only the court/prosectors may propose the death penalty - not the rep who proposed this bill. If the bill suggested that convictions for the crime will result in the court seeking the death penalty, the title would be accurate, but the bill does not. Your point re: "subject to the same laws" is well-taken and I acknowledge (again) that it's ridiculous. My primary concern, though is how folks rudely jumped on @phatGator, when he made a legitimate point.
pro·pose /prəˈpōz/ verb past tense: proposed; past participle: proposed 1. put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others. "he proposed a new nine-point peace plan" Tell me again what this South Carolina representative did.
Yes. See, that wasn't so hard. Now, to my point, because even in your question you use the word "could" Would the thread title be more accurate to read: "S Carolina Rep Proposes that Women Who Have Abortions Could Receive Death Penalty"? (Yes) The thread title is misleading. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case.
The sad part is most of them probably don’t care. They’re just pandering to their base. (the darker side of their base)
Yeah… I think most people understand the way the legal system works is that not everyone gets the same punishment for the same “crime”. But good for you for finally admitting that the law would allow the state to strap a woman in the electric chair for having an abortion… seems dumb… huh?
This still is a far cry from “misleading”. It’s missing a word that would make it better, i guess. This is picking nits. The most neutral possible headline would probably be something like: “GOP SC legislature proposes to treat abortion as homicide”, but then that undersells it unless the reader digs deeper. 30years prison up to death penalty. Using death penalty in the headline gets it across immediately, then the article expands more fully as it should. Hell even the way the SC legislature words their current homicide statute puts death penalty first, as if that is the default, and 30 year minimum is just an acceptable floor. In practice putting people to death is hard, and that’s why relatively low % of cases go that route. But that isn’t for want of trying! Red states are also actively trying to cut red tape on death sentences. Including our own illustrious Governor trying to get them done without a unanimous jury. What’s next? No appeals? Hell let’s just skip trials and get right to it.
Uhmm, no. You rest your case to the judge at the close of the evidence, not to a jury after closing arguments.
Even if you take the death penalty off the table, do we really want to charge those who seek abortions with murder? I realize that is a wet dream of the small government evangelical neo fascists, but seriously?
You’re just hanging on to legalese. It’s a bad look. You should cut it out. These are soulless ghouls who do not belong on planet earth. No need for equivocation.
Totally agree. It’s discouraging to see how far people (politicians) will go to pander to their base. I guess if you want to get elected that’s what you need to do. That’s what people want. The result is to be a successful politician these days you have to be a sociopath.
This really seems like you are going out of your way to equivocate, minimize and rationalize. We all agree what they are proposing is to make abortion murder, including sentencing that comes with murder - which quite notably includes the death penalty. So if you are willing to charge women who have abortions with murder, it’s only logical that the death penalty is considered an appropriate sentence.
Therein lies the rub. It's not just one gop politician, or even 21, there is a significant portion of the gop base they are pandering to that laps this shit up like pablum.