I personally don’t think this will even be close. I don’t have a dog in the fight but I think DeSantis is going to destroy him once this gets going. Democrats are really pushing the “Trump is the favorite” narrative because that’s who they want to run against. There are too many Republicans that will simply never vote for Trump again regardless of who the Democratic nominee is or simply won’t vote.
Never would have considered “ejecting” people from a rally for wearing the wrong shirt before 2016. Seems dumb and completely un-American, but what else is new from our political right wing? Maybe the Trumpistas were there to disrupt? Which may or may not be the case. You could understand not wanting people you suspect are there to “disrupt“ your event (obviously if a bunch of Trumpers showed up at a dem event they’d be ejected there too). But if disruption was the plan here, don’t think they’d advertise in advance.
He might win but he won't be destroying Trump. Desantis doesn't fair well when challenged at debates. He becomes flustered and his anger shows quickly. Trump hits below the belt so it will be interesting.
I think its actually the "establishment" types pushing the narrative that DeSantis is inevitable, which makes sense since most of the DeSantis-heads are college-educated types, but if they decided primaries, Trump wouldn't have beat Jeb the first time around.
Conservatives should be very afraid of Trump right now. If he loses to Desantis you'd have to be crazy to think he is going to walk away quietly. If he becomes POTUS again who do you think is going to be his #1 target? I can tell you it won't be the left wing. It will be those that he feels betrayed him
Really? Trump wins in almost every multi-candidate hypothetical and thanks to the Republican method of allocating delegates through winner-take-all or weighted primaries, candidates who win state primaries with even small pluralities end up with a disproportionate share of the delegates. While it's by no means a certainty Trump is still the favorite and apparently "Meatball" Ron "DeSanctimonious" isn't all that skilled at thinking on his feet, a real handicap in a multi-candidate "debate".
The first two sentences are most significant. If Trump loses the nomination he will claim that it was stolen from him through massive voter fraud and if one thinks that Trump's allegations of voter fraud are limited to his Democratic opponent in a general election remember this from 2016. Trump accuses Cruz of stealing Iowa caucuses through 'fraud' Also keep in mind that for around 25 to 30 percent of Republicans Trump is cult figure. If he runs as a third-party/independent candidate they will vote for him even it means four more years of Joe Biden.
But this just doesn’t mesh with talking to people. Even the MAGAs I talk to don’t want any more of Trump. I have a hard time believing this.
While this poll is over a month old, I think it's still valid and in a close election even 10 percent of the voters going third party can be more than enough to swing a presidential election. A quarter of GOP say they'd back Trump as independent in 2024, threatening to split vote: Poll