Republicans in certain states (FL, OK, TX, and now SC) appear to be starting a a full-on war against diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly in colleges. Aside from being questionable policy, is this even a useful tactic? I mean, going all in on white supremacy has to become detrimental to their cause at some point. South Carolina Asks Colleges What They Spend on DEI The Texas bill would prohibit higher ed institutions from funding any office of DEI. (2) prohibit: (A) the funding, promotion, sponsorship, or support of: (i) any office of diversity, equity, and inclusion; and (ii) any office that funds, promotes, sponsors, or supports an initiative or formulation of diversity, equity, and inclusion beyond what is necessary to uphold the equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Why do you assume it means white supremacy? America already is inclusive and one of the most accepting and generous countries the world has ever seen. Perhaps some adults have seen enough.
You can pretty easily combine this thread and this one: Now the Desantis censorship has really gone stupid! They're both about white power.
That's fine - mods, merge this if you see fit (although I prefer my thread title). Edit: I withdraw the suggestion
No, that's not what I meant. Both threads are about the same fundamental thing but the details are different. I like your thread title better too.
We know who the people are behind these policies, White liberal America. What does that prove? It’s a weird agenda.
It's pretty clear to me Republicans have taken note that Florida and Texas are absolutely critical for them to retain any chance of winning a presidential election, so they have gone all in on making these states an intolerant, ignorant, hell hole that caters to white supremacy under the guise of "anti-woke" and to keep anyone with an ounce of empathy from moving here.
Or, you might say the people who are anti-woke are simply rational people who see no need to divide the country any further.
A problem with a lot of these programs (including plain ole advising) is that the incentives are to recruit, retain & graduate certain numbers. Problem is education gets in the way of these goals & hence, typically suffers. Our DEI person proudly uttered: “…now that the obstacle of math has been removed….”. I guess we can all be equally stupid college graduates & they can enjoy the warm glow of thinking they’ve made the world a better place
I’m headed out tonight to a jazz/funk spot and I’m hoping like hell you’re wrong. The last time I went, blacks, whites and Hispanics were dining and dancing and getting along fantastically. Oh boy, I hope the world hasn’t changed that much in a month. Crossing my fingers.
I feel we're in a place of doing DEI sloppily and agree that it sometimes goes overboard. I'm hopeful that over time, the initiatives will become smarter.
I believe you have your heart in the right place, I really do. But there is a real problem when you have to convince millions of people that we need to do this. It reminds me of religion and god. Religion a tough sell if you can look around and show proof that it’s unlikely. Same applies with dei initiatives. People can easily look around and see that it’s a crock. America is quite diverse and quite inclusive already.