We should give them their balloon back, right after they pay for an inspection fee (for the flights to look at it, and the cost to monitor it on radar), a recovery fee (for the flight and missile to shoot it down, plus the boats and personnel to drag it out of the water), an analysis fee (to make sure it is safe to return and does not have any technology or features that would make it dangerous to transport), and a shipping fee (for the costs of cutting it into small pieces, putting it into small boxes, and sending it back to them). Finish the bill off with an overhead fee (for whatever the hourly rate is on a president and his minions). I would think that $2-3 billion should cover it.
LOL at MTG...so naive https://thehill.com/policy/defense/...ect-previous-chinese-spy-balloons-us-general/
Sounds like the govt is saying parts of the spy balloon were made in the U.S...that's quite the twist!
Well, no shit. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knew exactly what they were doing as it did a slow pass over our air space. Too bad there ain't two brain cells to rub together in all of D.C.
China keeps sending balloons and Biden keeps knocking them down. Excellent idea to capture the first one to see what they’re carrying. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/10/us-shoots-down-second-high-altitude-object-on-bidens-orders.html
I would genuinely be shocked if China were dumb enough to send another one so soon after the blowback last week. Will likely be something else.
Palin le It'll be fake news. Biden asked Japan to fly one over so he could look good. Or something...
Biden administering some consequences https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/10/us-...nies-for-supporting-spy-balloon-programs.html
This is insane. We are going to shoot down an alien first contact thinking it’s a Chinese balloon and have to live with the consequences. Or die with them.
My brother was flying military operations in the area this happened today (not one of the fighters) and had a “front row seat”. Media reports and the difficulty seeing the craft attest to it being different and much smaller.