Wrong, it all started with deep-state ex-CIA head George H. W. Bush. He was the first real RINO. I despised him as our president, but at the time he was better than the alternative. Reagan, on the other hand, was my second (1b) favorite president in my lifetime.
The new definition of RINO is anyone with an R after their name who fails to properly kiss Trump's ass.
Reagan increased taxes something like 12 times after he cut them. He increased spending. He increased deficits. He allowed massive amounts of immigration and approved amnesty for millions. He talked like a hard line conservative but governed as a right leaning moderate in most respects. He did that both as President and as governor of CA.
I think many have a mental block on the times. He was just soo smooth. Can we talk about Nanc running the show And, he seems nice.
This is false. Teacher have been asked to remove books they have paid for and are not being taught as part of the publicly funded curricula from their classrooms.
Judd Legum conclusively shows that the whole premise of Koch money separating from MAGA is false manipulation of the media On Sunday, Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action), one of the principal political organizations controlled by right-wing billionaire Charles Koch, released a memo to the media. The memo claims that the "Republican Party is nominating bad candidates who are advocating for things that go against core American principles." Now, AFP Action "is prepared to support a candidate in the Republican presidential primary who can lead our country forward, and who can win." AFP Action will "invest the necessary resources to empower millions of citizen activists and voters to turn the page on the current political era and help the American people to write a new chapter for our country." Although the memo doesn't mention Trump's name, the clear intention is to signal a break between the Koch political network and MAGA Republicans, particularly Trump. The media responded with a flood of credulous coverage. What is not mentioned in any of these stories is that, for years, Koch has repeatedly announced he was reorienting his political strategy away from far-right Republicans, including Trump — with no discernible change in his actual political activity. After each media-assisted rebrand, Koch quietly resumed business as usual. The reality is that few individuals have spent more money to legitimize Trump and his allies than Charles Koch. He follows with the detailed numbers. Koch is lying. They are evil like Trump. There is no separation How Koch manipulates the media
Increased deficits to build up JOB CREATING military at a time when we needed to modernize our national defense. And that same increase in spending actually increased the tax revenue income into the government. I was there and I saw first hand what happened. I did NOT READ IT IN A BOOK!
MAGA despises the Koch Brothers and their open border agenda. Americans For Prosperity should really be called The Prosperity For The Koch's. MAGA despises Romney even more. He is no servant of the people. Both the Koch's and Romney are at the top of the list when it comes to power. With all that power Romney possesses behind the scenes, he couldn't get 1% of the vote in the primary. If they put him on stage again it will only be to attack Trump and that would backfire on him and the GOP.
what is backfiring on the pub party is letting MAGA run it. If it is Koch vs MAGA for control of the pub party, I know who I would prefer to control the agenda.
Koch is not against MAGA. That is PR. They are just fine with MAGA and will never undermine it. They just want power to enact their agenda
and MAGA is getting in the way of that power grab with their primary candidates. Koch is transactional and the MAGA transaction is no longer profitable. Time will tell
MAGA is for small government and elected servants making policy that is not beholden to people like the Koch's. $ will always wield influence. The goal is to remove as many non elected bureaucrats as possible. If you like big government, printing money with no promise to repay and open borders, you'd then would be on team Koch. Billionaires that could really care less about you.
Not sure I agree with this - at least as to how I understand “transactional”. The Kochs have been at it a long while. Beyond just contributing to candidates they have set up think tanks to churn out white papers on policy, they have funded professorships at Universities (as long as they speak the Koch truth), and have funded an entire economic department in at least one University, funded “leadership training” schools to churn out acolytes who get hired into government and academia. If, by transactional, you mean their sole concern is for the bottom line of their business and whatever that takes then I agree.
What a joke: New NAFTA - you may recall old NAFTA was a "disaster". Well, try telling me how this is small gov. NAFTA required automakers to produce 62.5 percent of a vehicle’s content in North America to qualify for zero tariffs. The new agreement raises that threshold, over time, to 75 percent. That’s meant to force automakers to source fewer parts for an “Assembled in Mexico” car from Germany, Japan, South Korea or China. The pact also requires 70 percent of a vehicle’s steel and aluminum to originate in North America, with steel being both melted and poured on the continent. For the first time, the new agreement also mandates that 40 to 45 percent of the parts for any tariff-free vehicle must come from a so-called high-wage factory. Those factories must pay a minimum of $16 an hour in average salaries for production workers. That’s about triple the average wage in a Mexican factory right now, and administration officials hope the provision will either force automakers to buy more supplies from Canada or the United States or cause wages in Mexico to rise. Trump Just Signed the U.S.M.C.A. Here’s What’s in the New NAFTA. (Published 2020) Next, up. REALLY expensive welfare jobs that only cost TAXPAYERS $820,000 each. https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/trum...ted,job | American Enterprise Institute - AEI resident Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on imported washing machines has had an odd effect: It raised prices on washing machines, as expected, but also drove up the cost of clothes dryers, which rose by $92 last year. What appears to have happened, according to new research from economists at the University of Chicago and the Federal Reserve, is a case study in how a measure meant to help domestic factory workers can rebound on American consumers, creating unexpected costs and leaving shoppers with a sky-high bill for every factory job created. Research to be released on Monday by the economists Aaron Flaaen, of the Fed, and Ali Hortacsu and Felix Tintelnot, of Chicago, estimates that consumers bore between 125% and 225% of the costs of the washing machine tariffs. The authors calculate that the tariffs brought in $82 million to the United States Treasury, while raising consumer prices by $1.5 billion. …… The goal of all those moves [tariffs] was to push production….to America. The study authors credit Mr. Trump’s tariffs with 200 new jobs at Whirlpool’s plant in Clyde, Ohio, and a further 1,600 jobs for a Samsung factory in South Carolina and an LG factory in Tennessee. That’s 1,800 new jobs, at the cost — net of tariff revenues — of just under $1.5 billion for American consumers. Or, as the authors calculate, $817,000 per job. & there is this little issue: Oh, but what about printing money? Oh, & how's this for respecting people's rights & shitting on the constitution. Let me guess, you think Reagan was a small gov guy too.
If the tax cuts lead to more revenue, why did deficits increase substantially? It wasn’t all defense increases. Federal Receipts as Percent of Gross Domestic Product In 1981 Fed taxes as percent gdp was 18.6%. Then it dropped due to recession and tax cuts down to 16.5% and never increased above 17.5% during Reagan’s term. And the increase from 16.5% to 17.5% can mostly be explained by the dozen Reagan tax hikes that took place after the tax cuts. So the assertion that the tax cuts increased revenue is pure fiction.
While Mitt Romney might not do very well in the Republican primaries in a general election he would fare far better against Old Joe or any other Democrat for that matter against the Orange One, Trump Lite the Culture Warrior (Ron DeSantis) or any other Republican.