That was Gingrich theory, referencing “One Second After”, a terrifying read. But China would destroy itself if it destroyed US economy. In the book it was speculated terrorists, which would make more sense
Plus we’d retaliate. Plenty of hardened electronics to launch a retaliatory strike. We’d undoubtedly hit someone and that would probably set off global thermonuclear war.
This is Montana we're talking about. If this balloon can be seen from the ground, I guarantee you that there are hundreds of people emptying their rifles at it. I'm sure the lady that shot her neighbor's husky and called it a wolf has re-loaded her guns and is blazing away at the sky right now. Public education is the only thing that keeps 'em from trying to shoot the moon down at night. The sheer number of bullets falling from the sky is bound to be more dangerous than one falling balloon. I say knock it down for public safety reasons.
there's really not much of a real threat to let this balloon continue on its course until it gets to the ocean. Chinese spy satellites have far more capabilities than the small package sensors on this balloon. Whatever information that is being captured is available for our sensors to also capture so we know exactly what they are seeing.
No, bring it down where you can do so safely and intact to determine what exactly it was doing and if it contains any technology of interest.
This administration is now the laughing stock of the world. Can’t protect our souther border from illegal immigrants and now can’t control our airspace from Chinese incursions. Embarrassing, what next? We gonna let Canada invade us? Update, the balloon is now over Chartlotte, go out and say hi to your friends balloon CityGator.
You might find this article of interest. Busting That Chinese Spy Balloon Is Harder Than You Think (Updated) We know that large balloons are hard to shoot down from previous experience. In 1998 a rogue Canadian weather balloon drifted towards Russian airspace. Fighter jets from Canada, Norway and Sweden attempted to bring it down without success. Two Canadian air force CF-18 fighters hit the balloon with more than 1,000 rounds of 20mm cannon fire off the coast of Newfoundland, riddling it with holes. This was not enough to let a significant amount of gas out, and the balloon continued drifting. A volley of 2.75” rockets was equally ineffective, as the high-explosive rockets simply flew though the balloon without detonating. This may be the Air Force’s real concern with intercepting the Chinese balloon: any missile fired at it may be a much greater hazard to civilians below than the balloon itself, which is likely to descend slowly if at all. (The Canadian balloon drifted into Russian territory and is believed to have come down in the Arctic Sea). Interceptor aircraft may in principle be able to get a missile lock and hit the balloon’s small gondola, the suspended capsule containing its cameras, control systems and radio communications. Destroying this would put the balloon out of action and prevent it from carrying out espionage. However the balloon would continue to drift over U.S. territory and claiming a ‘kill’ would be difficult. Worse, a failed attempt to bring it down would be a public relations disaster.
Agree. In the book, the US did not retaliate because they never could conclusively determine the culprit and could not sustain a war that they started by striking against the wrong party. It would be devastating, at least has described therein. Also, I love the euphemism that we always use in that regard, including with cyber attacks. We reserve the right to respond "kinetically", i.e., blow things up
China releases virus that actually kills people: “No big deal! Get the hell back to work!” Chinese balloon taking pictures that LEO Chinese satellites already do: “Shoot it down! Who cares if it could injure or kill people on the ground!”
As I read around, it has definitely become the latest thing to massively overreact to. Of course it’s not nothing, but China is getting exactly the reaction from the reactionaries that they hoped for. By simply putting a balloon in the air they have made worldwide headlines for several days now, with people wuestiinng US sovereignty, heck TheHill, which leans conservative but is hardly the western journal, had an article up calling this Biden’s Sputnik moment. I mean come on. Slow news cycles I guess.
What if we fire Marjorie Taylor Greene at it? Surely her horse teeth could shred the balloon? Would literally be her only useful act on this Earth. If we tell Republicans that Hunter Biden's other laptop is up there, they would approve sending her.
News reports out now that the FAA has issued a ground stop for NC / SC. Appears we are going to try shoot this balloon down.