Pentagon Says It Detected a Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over Montana I wonder why they wouldn't take it down and examine it. It is violating our airspace, I would believe that we would have the legal right
this reminds me of the ballons the japanesse sent across the pacific in ww2 armed, one actua;ly killed a woman i believe in montana or north dakota.
How do they even know it's Chinese? Does it have Chinese characters? That would seem odd - stupid even - it if its purpose is to spy on us. And what's to spy on in Montana? In a word, this is all weird.
Nuclear missile sites and other military installations. That is actually a prime area to spy on for that. The only thing weird is “why a balloon”? Presumably they have satellites that can view these areas. Maybe, like the Russians, their tech is not what we might think it is? Ballon is relatively low tech. Unless perhaps the balloon can get them better quality pictures somehow. It could just be… trolling. Blinken has a visit upcoming.
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I say they shoot a few needles at it to create a few small holes. Then it will slowly run out of air and look like it malfunctioned instead of looking like we shot it down. It could work!
Maybe it has sensors to pick up wireless signals that can't be scooped up by satellites? A war-driving ballon. Foreign naval ships do it off the coast.
I think the thinking on this is that is an experiment gone awry or off course. People can see it from the ground, so I dont think thats what they were going for.