No he didn’t. Take the cape off. Buddy tried to get a gotcha moment by quoting a part of my post while leaving out a part of it. Failure by him for not quoting right and failure by you for defending him. Sneaky lowbrow righty tactics. Have a good one!
The fact that through 2 pages of your false claim not a single person has stepped up in your defense should tell you something. You know you are just playing a stupid little child's game. We all know that this is a very liberal site that would jump at any valid opportunity to back a lib over a conservative and not a single person has jumped in in your defense. Why? Because you have no defense.
I don’t need anyone to step up to my defense. You didn’t quote me correctly and are babbling, which is par for the course.
Tell your fellow MAGA zealot to quote me correctly next time and maybe I’ll start taking him seriously.
Here is my challenge one more time. Somebody, anybody show me where or how I misquoted this idiot and I will let it go. When the other libs on this site won't even back one of their own it shows that they aren't classless like the lying fool that is playing childish games.
You’re trying to take away their fun. You know very well that Matt Gaetz put a gun, in his little hands, and told him to plug his teacher.
we need big gov to pump the monies into the national crisis of poor emotion control amongst 6 years olds.
Repeating the obvious, the incident was clearly the fault of the parents. The problem is that if people are so paranoid that they believe that they need firearms for protection it's also likely that they are going to leave loaded weapons in places where they are easily accessible and that also means the guns are easily accessible to children. What makes this story really newsworthy is that the victim was a teacher. If the child shot a friend, a sibling or a parent it probably wouldn't have even made the national news. Some examples: Miss. child accidentally shoots sibling; toddler in serious but stable condition Toddler fatally shoots 4-year-old sister at Pennsylvania gas station 8-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed by brother playing with shotgun The only way to prevent incidents of that nature is store firearms unloaded under lock and key and to store ammunition separately and nowhere close where the gun(s) are stored.
Maybe you can teach me how you do it....LMAO Takes a real idiot to prove himself wrong over and over again.
I made a post on the first page that a poster intentionally misquoted and then proceeded to continue to badger me. Im done with replying to them.
The simple thing Coop would be to point out or explain how I misquoted you. You refuse to do that and everybody sees the game you are playing. If I misquoted you there would be evidence, you know like I pointed out in post #40 and again in post #75. If you can bring forth any evidence whatsoever of me misquoting you please do otherwise game over, you lose. I'm out.