On purpose apparently. Boy aged SIX is arrested 'for shooting his female teacher at school, leaving her critically-ill' | Daily Mail Online
Not a word here about the parent......Let's put blame where it belongs. The 6 year old has to be disciplined but the parent is the real culprit here.
Okay. The parent is to blame......for apparently leaving the gun around. The boy is to blame for taking it to school and shooting the teacher. Now the big question looms: what to do with the boy. We can guess what'll happen to the parent(s).
I'm glad we didn't have video games when I was a kid but guns were common. I only knew one kid who was shot growing up and that was a hunting accident. His brother was crossing a fence with a loaded shot gun he dropped it and filled his brothers shoulder with bird shot. A lot of blame goes with what we let kids see and play now days.
I’d love to read what should be interesting backstory. Where did he get it ? How did he load it ? Where did he even learn to aim it and pull trigger? Was it for fun like a game or anger / poor emotion regulation.
The parents(s) should be charged, presuming it was their gun. Maybe it is just 1 particular parent that failed to secure the gun. The kid should get a new circumstance/family and professional help. 6 is too young to be held responsible in a criminal sense and clearly this is an epic failure of parenting.
The kid has to be given the chance to arrive at a point where he asks himself, "What have I done?" He isn't old enough to separate fantasy and God knows what else he may have picked up in his home environment from reality. But he is old enough to learn the full scope of harm his actions have caused for others. I believe compelling him to face the teacher and her friends and family and hear their impact statements in a properly controlled environment is a reasonable punishment.
The daily mail describes the teacher's condition as Critically ill? That that a new right wing thing ... describe getting shot as an illness?
Expect many more of these stories if righties and their genius "arm the teachers" plan ever goes into action
Many more 6 year olds shooting teachers? Some of your posts are just plain stupid the rest are comical.