So you're conceding that the Russian strategy of inflicting pain on civilians is working at least insofar as the infliction of pain is concerned not so much at forcing Ukraine to capitulate.
Zelensky says that despite having no power and heat and food and water shortages, Kyiv residents will not be ordered to evacuate. Reason ? If Kyiv is abandoned that’ll make it easy for the Russians to take over the city. So the human shields will remain in place.
Wait, they struggle to take the territory classified as "actively defended" because they struggled to take that territory? Absolutely nothing circular about that logic. I remember when the Northeastern offensive was met by the taunt about how they wouldn't make progress in Kherson. Then, when they did, it became, well we didn't want that city anyways. Russia just decided to hand over a major city with pretty substantial strategic value for fun.
Take Kherson City. The Ukrainians now know why the Russians had no interest in holding it. Covered in the article I just posted.
Your article doesn't seem aware of the fact that Kherson is both a region and a city. So yeah, I am not sure that is exactly insightful from a strategic perspective.
The Ukrainian military machine is unable to maintain control of a CITY their opponent had evacuated. All the September and October Ukrainian offensives have stalled, and the Russians appear to be solidifying their lines of defense and dramatically increasing their forces in the field while Ukraine is drafting sixty-year-old men.
Yeah, they have maintained control of the city. They have asked the civilians from the region to leave the area due to proximity to the front line, not the city, thus my comment about the author not understanding a basic fact or trying to equate two things falsely. Perhaps, listening to "US Person 2" from the Maria Butina indictments isn't the best strategy...
Oh. Strange then that Russians aren't able to take back that undefended major city that they consider part of their country now, huh? Who is that? Because the author of the article you posted was definitely not a former Senator from North Dakota, just a former assister to a Russian spy.
It’s Ukraine that’s obsessed with holding territory, Russia being content to kill Ukrainians to the last man who resists. Then take the territory. And didn’t the Butina case fall apart ? Anyway, she’s hot!
Can you point me to the territory where they have done that? Nope. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to prison. But your author was a big help to her!
Ahh, so they haven't done it, but that they will do it? How have your predictions for this war worked out (e.g., when you used to point to how Ukrainians weren't making gains in Kherson). Lol, you are now outright defending using the analysis of Russian spies as if it is good analysis. Good stuff. Keep digging that hole deeper.
No, they haven’t taken Bakhmut yet. There are more Ukrainians to kill. They will kill as many troops as Ukraine cares to feed into the meat grinder. Maybe that’s what Putin meant by “demilitarization” ? I’m just saying Butina was a badass who was falsely imprisoned. I’m not digging a hole. I’m just digging Russians.
Yep, that big Russian victory is always just around the corner. Strange we never seem to get to that corner. And your evidence that she didn't commit the crimes? Yeah, we know your affinity for Russians around here.
Russian Telegrammers confess to not knowing Russian aims and timelines. But you do. Oh, to be a fly on the wall, in the Kremlin, like you are. And I do have an affinity for Russians around here. Anything wrong with that ?
Oh, the irony. Weren't you the one projecting forward and saying you knew their aims? Yeah, quite a bit in fact. Especially as you spend your time here trying to will them to successes by trying to convince yourself how much you know about the war and their master strategy.