*Shalom* Happy Hanukkah greetings to all our Jewish Gators and Friends. Hope it’s a day of fun for everyone. And may everyone get lots of good chocolates! Deuteronomy 6:4-9. * Shalom *
You have shared greetings, out of faith and love, for all of us here at Gatorcountry for years, Ray. If there is anyone who has not need to apologize...it is you! I am grateful you are here! Merry Christmas to you.
Posting late. What are you some kind of anti-semite? Just kidding . Thank you for all your hard work and Peace and Joy to all on this Holiday season
Perhaps only apology needed is for your use of vowels in spelling Hanukkah think still a few days away from Festival of Lights celebration
Happy Hanukkah to all of our Jewish brethren. And, Merry Christmas. Love and Blessings to Gators everywhere. Blessings to all of our players. I hope they had a good time in Vegas, even if the game was a disappointment. Forever a Gator. Go Gators