We are so blessed in Florida to have a Surgeon General who actually uses his training in medicine to help those he serves! Just love that he is able to brush off the ad hominem attacks and provide good sound advice when it comes to medicine and public health.
Ladapo unmasked: Why his former boss didn't think he deserved to be Fla. surgeon general Scientists dispute the Florida surgeon general's latest COVID-19 vaccine guidance for young men We’re epidemiologists and professors, and here’s what Florida’s surgeon general gets wrong | Column Just my observation but it looks to me like DeSantis wanted a doctor who agreed with him, shopped around and found one in Dr. Ladapo.
He is a total disgrace. Even now he is pushing “studies” which are purposely not peer reviewed and come armed with warnings that the results are of questionable reliability. In a court of law, the “studies” that he is pushing would it make it into evidence because of their shortcomings. He is not relying in science, he is relying in alt-right fantasies to push the DeSantis agenda., and given his position of unearned power, he is remarkably dangerous to our State.
Thats 100% what it was, it was always all politics to get the “freedumb” simpletons to cast their vote for him. Ladapo is a complete idiot and a fraud, it’s embarrassing having this guys signature next to my state of Florida pharmacy license. Q’s go to for medical advice apparently is Dr. Drew, lol. Par for the course.
DeSantis wanted a doctor that would provide sound advice for the people of Florida. Dr. Ladapo is and was more than qualified for the position. Now if you are a one size fits all approach to medicine (not the way medicine should be practiced) and authoritarian when it comes to public health policy. You will not like Ladapo. Ladapo has been right on the vast majority of things when it comes to the Pandemic. It is good to see someone using their expertise the way they were trained to do. As he said…it was a little tough learning the political side and having to deal with the untruths said about him. But he has settled in nicely and we in Florida are blessed to have him. The University of Florida is blessed to have him. It really is a good listen.
freedumb simpletons grousing about not being able to open their businesses, send their kids to school, attend church, comfort their dying, bury their dead ...
Why do you use “blessed”? Seems “fortunate” conveys the same meaning without invoking a deity who was most certainly not involved in the quak’s appointment.
Oh the hyperbole. You could not be more wrong. He has been far more right on how to handle this pandemic than most. He moves with the time/data and advises accordingly. He is not going to advise a child take one of these shots today. Arguably no child should have ever been advised to take one of these shots. We are one of the only countries the world advising an entire population to still take these shots. Most have stopped especially for males under 50 at this point. The good news. Is you are free to ignore his advice.
You could probably google his whereabouts. He’d left Crossroads before I got their. I’d like to think my experience there taught me all I needed to know about cults ranging from Crossroads to Covid. My experience taught me too well!
Wherein quack entails moving on from hiding inside or hiding behind masks from a theoretical rouge aerosolized submicroscopic particle.
Honestly, if we’d had a chiropractor at the helm far fewer would have died. And I’m no neck-cracking enthusiast.