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No Red Wave

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by gatorchamps960608, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    Alternative facts are opinions.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  2. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    One example that comes to mind (not anything you posted, I already addressed most of that content in other responses) is the absurd narrative that the former president really won the election but for massive voter fraud. Tragically easily persuadable gullible rubes considered that obvious fiction to be fact to the point that they stormed the Capitol in a fortunately failed attempt to prevent Congress from performing its Constitutional duty of certifying the results of the election. Sadly, the originator of that fiction a billionaire who resides in a country club reminiscent of the Palace of Versailles was able to con the working class rubes who blindly follow him into donating over $100 million to him in the form of donations that they probably couldn't afford.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2022
    • Like Like x 1
  3. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    First of all Biden's insistence that Ukraine fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma, the company that the Biden family syndicate was making a fortune from is so much more of a QUID PRO QUO than anything Trump did. Sorry but Jan. 6 does not speak for itself. If Nancy Pelosi wanted to really get to the bottom of Jan. 6 she would have allowed real Pubs, not RHINOS that voted to impeach Trump, on the panel. What was she so afraid of that might come out if there was real cross examination of the witnesses. I disagree that there are not things to investigate Biden for. Based on the laptop, that even your biased media is accepting as being real, It shows that Joe has been using his political positions to enrich his family for quite awhile. That is a bigger offense that anything Trump was impeached for.

    Ok let's compare the Trump Presidency to the Biden Presidency.
    Trump's accomplishments:
    1. USMCA -getting rid of the terrible NAFTA deal
    2. Abraham Accords- creating the first mid east peace treaty in decades
    3. Opportunity Zones-for disadvantaged neighborhoods
    4. Fully funding Historically Black Colleges- something Obama never did
    5. Border policies that worked- you may not like them but a lot of them were effective
    6.Tariffs on China- making China pay for unfair trade practices which really helped farmers
    7. Energy independence- For the first time America was energy independent
    8. Moved US embassy with Israel to Jerusalem- something even Obama wanted to do but was afraid to.
    9. Prison reform- releasing and reducing sentences to non violent prisoners, mostly disadvantaged people
    10. Thriving economy - Lowest Black, Hispanic, Asian and Women unemployment in history
    11. Rebuilt the military- including military morale
    12 Created Space Force- while the Democrats laughed he got a jump on the Chinese trying to create dominance in the final frontier
    13. Oversaw the creation of Vaccines for COVID- Dr. Faucci said it would take 5 to 10 years. Trump did it in less than a year
    14. Reduced regulations- opening the door for American business to relocate back to America. Bringing prosperity back to America.
    15 Did away with Critical race Theory in schools- until it was brought it back during the Biden admin.
    16. Eradicated the world of some of the most brutal terrorists responsible for killing many Americans
    17. Oversaw one of the most peaceful times in history- no new wars
    17. Eliminated the Iran deal - then put crippling sanctions on Iran to slow them down
    18. Worked and met with with Kim Jung un- got him to stop his missile launches and cool him down. Even Obama told Trump Kim would be his biggest problem
    19. Put crippling sanctions on Russia and supported Ukraine with weapons instead of blankets
    20. Forced other NATO countries to pay their fair share- something Obama would not do
    21 Tax breaks- for everyone!!!!

    Trump did all this and so much more while Dems kept pushing a phony Russia Collusion investigation led by Adam Schiff and Robert Mueller. The Dems never even tried to work with Trump and if you want to talk about nasty. Nancy Pelosi ripping up the state of the union address was the most disrespectful political stunt in the history of our nation.

    Ok your turn. Tell me all of Biden's accomplishments. Try to focus on something good he did because I could make quite the list of all the bad he has done.
    • Funny Funny x 7
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  4. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    With a questionable economy and 8% inflation, this midterm should've been a red route. We're talking +40 House seats and winning the Senate. +11 and at best, no change in the Senate should be a big wakeup call for the Rs.

    And while Roe
    Your facts are not supported by evidence. For example, the Ukraine investigator Biden wanted out was corrupt. Shokin had already investigated and cleared Burisma 2 years before Biden said oust Shokin or no loan. Making Shokin step down because he was corrupt was also an official policy of the US, the EU, and was desired by the World Bank giving Ukraine the loan, assuming the US cosigned. Joe Biden personally gained nothing by following official US policy. Neither did Hunter, as removing Shokin increased the chance Burisma would be investigated again.

    As for the rest of your pablum? The economy grew at around 2.5% per quarter under Trump's first 3 years. Almost the exact same rate it grew under Obama's last 6 years. Unemployment is a similar story. It shrank at the same rate for 9 straight years under Obama last 6 and Trump's first 3. What did Trump do to make the economy great? Nothing.

    We were in a mature economy. Mature economies grow between 2% and 3% unless something drastic happens. What Trump should've done is targeted tax cuts and spending cuts. What Trump did do? Huge tax cuts and increase spending. Trump wanted to get to the 5% growth he promised. But the economy couldn't handle it at the time. A true fiscal conservative would've lowered the deficit under these conditions. Trump, instead, ballooned it with his failed policies to reach his impossible 5% growth mark.

    Then came COVID. The list of Trump fails here can go on for days. But let's just say the biggest one was when Trump the the pandemic playbook left to him by W. Bush and Obama and threw it in the trash. Decades of research and planning all out the window in seconds because nobody knows more than Trump about anything and everything. Trump's hubris cost tens of thousands of Americans their lives.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Your reply is very interesting. I am not going to debate you on some of your positions that you stated. We can just agree to disagree on who did more for the economy between Obama and Trump. What I do find interesting is that you took a shot at 3 or 4 of the 21 items I listed. How about the other 17 or 18 listed.

    I will however take exception with your take on how Trump handled COVID. How come you didn't address how he led a task force to find a vaccine in record time. How about how he closed down travel to the US from China way before anyone else even thought to do that in fact people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi called him a racist for doing that. He was way ahead of the curve and probably saved tens of thousands of lives. How about how many lives Dems like Cuomo cost senior citizens with his actions at nursing homes and assisted living facilities. How about when Trump sent medical ships to Dem cities to help and people like Cuomo and Newsome thanked him for what he did. When it comes to COVID your argument falls short.

    Trump didn't cost lives Trump saved lives.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. obgator

    obgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    A couple from Turkey created the first vaccine, working for the German company BioTech, in conjunction with Pfizer. Took zero Warp Speed money until trial phase. And that money was for US distribution only. Meaning, the Trump didn't get the vaccine to market first.

    As for the travel ban, Trump only restricted people holding Chinese Passports. Like a virus cares about a passport! Meanwhile, 7 full planes a day from China was landing in the US daily. And what was the protocol when these planes landed? It was business as usual.

    Plenty of non Chinese infected people likely landed in the US from China during the ban. And when they landed, they were allowed to mingle with the general population right away at the airports, spreading the virus.

    Had Trump looked at the Pandemic Playbook, it said travel bans give a false sense of security and doesn't help unless all people who had spent time in the infected country can't come in. Passports doesn't matter. And if and when people from infected countries do come, they should be isolated and tested before they can mingle with the general population.

    The travel ban was ineffective because thousands of people who were just in China were allowed to enter, not be treated, and mingle with the general populace the moment they entered the airport. Not to mention, Italy was also having major COVID issues, and there was never a travel ban for Italy. And the strain of COVID that impacted NY first was likely from Italy, not NY.

    Yes, Cuomo made mistakes too. As did almost every leader. It was a novel virus. Nobody was sure what to do. But perhaps, had we had strong, centralized leadership coming from D. C., things wouldn't have been so bad. Instead, we got bleach up the backside, it will soon magically disappear, liberate Michigan, and dozens of more blunders.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  8. coleg

    coleg GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2011
    We should have had all the Pubs inject bleach, except it was gone by summer... right just as Trump promised. Odd too how this horrible immigration problem was not solved in Trump's first two years when Pubs had the House, Senate and WH. Were they concentrating on the Health plan???? China is still laughing at Trump for the tariff war that landed them all they asked for just their "promises" which everyone knew that wouldn't keep. LOL
  9. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    How come when you talk about the mistakes Cuomo made you forgive him and say so did every other leader but your criticism of Trump is not quite as forgiving. As far as your NY Times article is concerned I take that with a grain of salt. After all, these are the reporters that got Pulitzers for their crackerjack reporting about Russian Collusion. Whether it is true or not is somewhat moot. The fact that the vaccine happened during warp speed and under the leadership of the Trump administration is what counts. You criticize the Trump travel ban and say he didn't do enough but you don't criticize Nancy Pelosi for calling Trump a racist and then telling the good people of San Francisco to party in Chinatown. You don't seem to be outraged at Dr. Faucci who spent the entire time as the face of the COVID response team and who changed his mind about so called Pandemic Playbook protocols like most people change their underwear. The list of Faucci contradictions are too numerous to mention while I am not ready to accuse him just yet, there is a lot of evidence to assume he helped fund the gain of function research that caused this Pandemic in the first place.
  10. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    This was as far as I read. You are just wrong. The US pressured Ukraine to fire the prosecutor because the prosecutor was not investigating corruption, not because he was. Other European countries called for the prosecutor's removal as well. If this is what you want House Repubs to investigate, I hope you get what you want. Because there is nothing there and it will only hurt Repubs if they spend the next 2 years investigating it.

    Did scan your list of Trump accomplishments. It's kinda comical some of the stuff you give Trump credit for, like riding the schools of CRT (until it was brought back by Biden). That's just right-wing bogeyman stuff. Where do you get this stuff from?
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  11. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Trump was President. The buck stops at his desk. He also had the Pandemic Playbook at his disposal. Had he followed that the best he could and it turned out there were mistakes, those would be forgivable. But that's not what happened.

    Pelosi was wrong about having people gather in Chinatown. Cuomo was wrong about putting sick elderly back into homes. People died as a result. But maybe if we had better leadership from the top, some of this might have been avoided.

    As for Fauci, medicine is never an exact science. Especially when dealing with a novel pathogen. We can only assume the correct course of action based on previous results when a global pandemic hits. But course corrections during the pandemic based on what's actuality happening will be necessary. Fauci changed his mind because we received new research, information, and understanding of a novel virus. That's what you should expect to happen.

    Want to talk another Trump failure. How about his border policies. Billions spent on a boondoggle wall and nothing to show for it. And your claim the border is open? How can a border be open is we are apprehending more crossers than ever before? Either the same number are crossing and we're capturing a larger percentage. Or, more total people are crossing and we're capturing a similar percentage. Neither says the border is open.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  12. obgator

    obgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Hey OB
    We can all find articles and I do not like sending out competing articles but here it goes. I won't continue down this path but this was an easy one.
    FactCheck.org has a Center bias. However, FactCheck.org may have a slight Lean Left bias.

    Your other article is from Bloomberg the guy who spent a billion dollars to help Biden
    Try this article on for size.
    After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban ...

    we can all find articles
  15. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    So what you are saying is that you don't believe critical race theories was and probably is again being taught in our schools. That's interesting since the schools were the main reason Youngkin beat McAuliffe for Governor of Virginia. A deep blue state by the way.
    So you find it comical all the stuff I give Trump credit for yet you and your like minded thinkers on this post haven't been able to give me one positive thing Biden has done. You rather pull out leftists articles to do your talking. You much prefer to criticize the other guy than defend your guy. I guess there is not a lot to defend when it comes to Biden. I find that very interesting
  16. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Do you think the federal government sets the curriculum at local schools?

    Also, CRT is a theory developed in law schools, not one taught to K-12 students. The central tenants of CRT are that modern racism can exist in institutions and don't require individual-level racism to occur (i.e., a racially neutral law can be applied in a discriminatory manner without individuals specifically being racist because the institutions can themselves be racist in how they apply laws) and that racism can be utilized by powerful to socially order society. How would the federal government get this taught in a local K-12 school?
  17. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    The reason there are more crossers being caught is just a matter of numbers. The unfathomable number of illegals coming over is overwhelming. Many of them just give up when they get over the border because they know they will be let in. When immigrants are asked why they are coming they say because Joe Biden invited us. Dems trying to take the high ground concerning their border policies is truly comical. Trump policies worked a whole lot better but I am sure you are going to send me a bunch of leftist articles to try and win an unwinnable argument.

    As far as your Covid argument is concerned it is so interesting that all mistakes made by Dems is understandable yet any perceived mistake Trump might of made is criminal. How do you think "The Big Guy" has handled the pandemic since taking over.
  18. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Law school is where CRT belongs unfortunately it is being indoctrinated in grade schools. It sounds like you agree with me that CRT is too sophisticated a subject to teach a 10 year old. Let's turn it back into a law school discussion and leave the kids alone.

    I know how much you like to read articles so look this one up:
    Yes, Children Are Being Taught Critical Race Theory in K–12 ...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    I notice you didn't mention how the federal government was supposed to do that. I also found it interesting that the article you chose was written by an Australian teacher that wouldn't even put their real name on the article. His evidence for it being taught appears to be that he says so (from half way around the world) and that there is a scholarly book (priced at $1,785), which is also not taught in schools, but is targeted at scholars in education.

    Also, can you provide any evidence of your claim that it wasn't taught from Early 2017-Early 2021 and is now?
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  20. travlingator

    travlingator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Hey trying to prove a point. an article is an article. You use them as if they are the definitive answer. If you look hard enough you can find an article to support any theory you have. That's why I don't like using them but this article works just as much as yours do. No I can't prove when it started being taught to kids but I do know that is why Youngkin is the Governor of Virginia and I guess the voters believed him when he made it the biggest issue of the campaign.

    By the way here is another one for you. These articles are everywhere. I am surprised you haven't come across them since you love to look up articles so much.
    Your kids know they ARE being taught critical race theory ...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2022