I always have to pause the TV 20-30 seconds, but sync with the Gator Radio broadcast is the best way to watch games! wruf.com/listen-live/
Used to with Mick but I haven’t heard the new guys and it would always drift over time so it was a task. On west coas, unfortunately. Sure it makes it harder.
We are used to FSU getting the calls against us. It happens every year. Napier had to remind his team to play through bad calls.
Quit being so damn sensitive! I’m commenting on the number of posters that bitch about announcers and refs. Quit whining
Quit whining about posters and maybe they will quit whining about horrible announcers. Never understood the poster police on this board. Let people post what they want. If you don't like it, post in a different thread or start your own.
I agree . . . but just think that in the future, probably starting next year, the TV and announcers will be irrelevant as Florida more and more starts returning to its rightful place. However, that was about the best I expect to see from the clown college. LOL!
Don’t quote me and use my quote to show whining and then tell me to stop whining as though you quoting me as the example isn’t what it is. Besides who is a bigger whiner? The one who is being told he is whining and I ask for one example and instead he gets called a whiner by a punk or the punk?
On my drive home Friday from a bad lunch I started thinking; OMG, what if we have Beth Mowins doing our game tonight? Little did I know that ABC had something even worse in stir for us. ESPN needs some upgrades before next season.
I've seen the play by play guy before (I think he has even done one of our games) and he was fine. The other moron was just trying to hard to provide "color."
Or on the flip side you could stop your whining about other posters. Its a fan message board....lighten up, Francis.