Once again, we aren’t doing nothing. Ya boy Biden just passed a huge gun bill, did he not? You can’t really compared America to other countries, because we’re the only country which has had rather liberal gun ownership laws for the past 250 years. It’s a lot easier in France, for example, to manage gun violence, because the French don’t have such an entrenched gun culture and pre-existing high rate of gun ownership. If you have a case study from another country who had such an entrenched gun culture for 250 years, please share. Until you can do that, you’re just another trying to solve this problem from a classroom. But we aren’t doing “nothing.” We have laws that are not being properly enforced and Biden just passed another gun bill. Kick can down the road. Run on the issue again in 4 years. That is the usual Democrat playbook.
Assuming I could just uproot my entire family and move elsewhere without major disruptions Australia, Austria, Belgium, South Africa and Portugal would all be much more desirable. Not very realistic though as I have elderly parents. Language barrier would be a huge challenge as would gaining permanent residence. But those countries beat the shit out of this one with regards to quality of life.
The discouraging part is that we are on a downward trajectory. The white deathgrip on power will only get more desperate as minority numbers grow. Shits gonna get real ugly in the next few decades.
I can’t speak to 250 years, but Australia is the answer to your question. Switzerland has a robust gun culture.
I wish our country didn’t become a shithole full of disgusting people. But here we are. Capitalism run amok I suppose. Happy thanksgiving to you. Enjoy your delusion.
Ummm, adjusting for per capita, it’s still not even close. Australia confiscated lots of guns. That will not work here. What do you think would happen if the US government announced a large-scale gun confiscation? Likely another civil war. Bear in mind, the lawful gun owners would be paying that tab. It will work here about as well as prohibition did.
No meaningful legislation will ever be passed. So tired of this pointless debate. This country is hopelessly broken.
I thought Australia used gun buybacks. That was your original question. You’re keep using circular arguments. Right wing extremist gun laws in the US have lead to greater gun ownership, and the appointment of zealot supreme Ct justifices to uphold these laws. Now that we have so many we can’t do anything about it, so we shouldnt try and now any proposal to go the other direction will create a “civil war”. Australia had a robust gun culture with a lot of guns and they decided to undo that with considerable success. That was what you asked about and I answered.
Scalia and the Republicans in Heller. The "textualists" on the current Supreme "Court" are no different. These people pick political outcomes and then find a way to justify it.
I would if I spoke Flemish and/or French, could gain permanent residence and didn’t have parents to care for.
While it is certainly more difficult, and I can’t predict what this court would overturn in the name of extremist ideology, it is possible to make things better, I would think: Which of the following actions do you think would violate 2nd amendment via this Supreme Court? - universal Gun registration and licensing - universal background checks, with results (pass fail) recorded with registration/license - license required to be renewed periodically with updated background check - financial responsibility laws of gun owners and manufacturers — any owner, seller or manufacturer who can’t demonstrate they have upheld their legal responsibilities in the gun transactions are liable for their actions. Owners will either have to carry insurance, or else sign a waiver declaring financial responsibility - a robust registration and licensing process including mandatory training, criminal multistate background check, mental health check and perhaps a certifying third party private company that bears liabikity responsibility. - if we can have several credit history and scoriing companies, why can’t we have ones that compile information for gun ownership? Add those to any existing laws in states like CA that have comparatively more effective gun control laws. The idea is not to deny the opportunity for people to own guns, but put a lot of reasonable hurdles such that only people who are truly “responsible gun owners” actually get a gun.