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GNFP Offense Vandy

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by Emmitto, Nov 22, 2022.

  1. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007

    • 2nd play of the game: DT claps twice, center snaps early because that is the snap count. As AR is going to clap again, ball sails past. Hard to say if that was purposeful (penalty), DT does not look as if he pulled off a caper.
    • 3&25, AR goes to second read to RP, good placement, RP makes a move, DB loses outside leverage, RP gets the first.
    • Rollout right, but we do chip the DE. Good ball, dropped pass after a nice route.
    • 7 or 8 in the box on almost every single play. They showed 6, but S or nickel always rolled into the box pre or post snap. Daring UF to be consistent throwing.
    • RP slip-down on the logo was a monster play. That side S over-committed, the alley was massive. Only the backside S even had an angle after maybe 20. Instead, loss.
    • 4&7. Vandy shows C1M. AR commits to 9 route to Reynolds and it works--perfect ball. Reynolds is not even really open, but the placement is perfect to let Reynolds go get it, boss catch. However, RP open for an easier pass across the middle. But it worked.
    • 12 in the RZ. 9 in the box. Cover 0. M2M with twins up top, but we go with ZR. Read defender is on the outside, with outside leverage. There is another (43) with outside leverage. The read is correct, get a whiff with TE, stopped at LOS. This LOOKS like one of those wide-open runs. D guys dove inside after the handoff.
    • Cover 0 2nd from the 11. ZR again. Two (and a third engaged) waiting outside, unblocked. Hand off, stopped again.
    • 3&8. Cover 0 AGAIN. Three in a row. Jailbreak blitz. Perfect dump, no one even looking at MJ. He turns the head too soon. Drop. FG.
    • Second drive. 6 man box. Finally got the numbers. Vandy drives C all the way into the run lane, plugs up ETN.
    • Nickel blitz, perfect call, WR pop behind the blitzer. WR misplays a good throw behind 2 on 1 blockers. East-west screen game has been a problem all year.
    • 3&10, C1M. Bunch trips, Odom crosses. Bowman gets a solid 1v1 win, AR overthrows by a significant margin. Big miss.
    • AR throws a dart to Bowman crossing.
    • 2&10. 7 in the box, S crashes. 13 staying outside unblocked. OL loses almost all 1v1's. Clogged.
    • 3&8. C1M. 7 in the box. Two stay on the right side. ETN chose wrong lane, took the cutback. Even the other one MAYBE had something.
    • Marshall muff. Discussed ad nauseum on these boards. Nothing good here. Marshall basically went Pavlov dog and committed to a bad idea.
    • 6 in the box. 13 personnel. Torrence, IMO NFL guy, complete whiff on LB. S coming hard, DE heroes to stay outside of the turn-in block. Stoned.
    • Worst OL game of the year, easily.
    • C1M. Mesh route (Shorter and Odom) doesn't even come close to rubs. Robber in the middle. No one open anywhere. AR tries to thread to Odom. This IS an example of AR opp of trying to hero something productive here.
    • First play of 2H, AR run. Even then, there is a guy out there, and he actually tackles AR even after being blocked. He stayed outside leverage and shed the block, but still a nice gain. Signals to your play caller that AR is sat on EVERY play.
    • ZR. This is the Twitter play. 7 in the box, S coming hard. AR keeps, nowhere to go.
    • PA rollout right, here comes the untouched DE. But AR hits Shorter crossing.
    • Perfect ball on second read to Reynolds.
    • Looks like 1 tech from DT, maybe even 2. Practically impossible for Kingsley to angle that off, Torrence is uncovered but chooses to double DE , DT has outside leverage and kills the gap. Also, this is ZR. There are two guys AND a crashing safety coming for AR. Even after the handoff, LB and S are both still stepping with AR.
    • 4&8. Misread by AR. S bails at snap to go C2 and have 2v1 against Shorter. Layup to Odom on the other side. But AR goes to Shorter basically doubled. COMPLETE, because of insane laser in almost no window.
    • Wildcat. WTH? 10 in the box. 98 kamikazes the box. MJ makes moves just to not lose yards.
    • 3&G. 12. Odom and MJ run the SAME ROUTE. CB blitzes right into the rollout. AR makes the throw anyway. TD.
    • 2XP. M2M. Vandy just runs a guy off the edge anticipating rollout right. We scheme a pass directly into that lane, he runs right into the pass.
    • 1st down shot. Guys open all over. AR goes long to Shorter. It was a half yard short. "Swipe" play by Vandy DB.
    • We choose a good WR screen!! 2v1. But Reynolds gets bossed by the 1. Stuffed.
    • 3&10. M2M, bring 5 and a robber (spy.) Misses Shorter open on hitch, everyone else covered, AR scrambles, spy closes. This is the ludicrous double forearm bounce INT. 21-12 right now, 2:00 in 3rd. They score almost immediately.
    • Rollout right. Unblocked DE does dive a little, but still watching and runs with AR. No one open anywhere. AR tries to okie-doke pursuer. I will point out that the sideline was available for escape, AR tries to turn it back in for big play.
    • 3&8, Vandy brings 6. We have 3v2 on the right. DB's stay flat, middle guy gone for 6. AR bails on good pocket, throws it away. Missed TD.
    • Vandy blows a coverage, S crashes, Reynolds TD. AR takes a blow on the throw.
    • 2XP. We actually run a good rub here. Reynolds all alone. Throw it wide or throw it high. AR throws a bullet behind, knocked down.
    • 3&3 on the 12. 7 in the box M2M. RZ. Two guys stay outside for AR, unblocked. Vandy twists on the run side, two guys in the lane.
    • 4&3, on the 12. M2M. Bowman has a step. This ball is like 5 yards deep. But also a good gamble for Vandy, with a QB that ranges from NFL dime to HS F wonderball. This one is a wonderball (as in, I wonder where it's going...)
    • James points out that with 4:33 left AR has 283 yards. So the 400 looks better than it really is in the end. Still not bad, but not "400."
    • AR leaves a perfect pocket, again. Has Bowman open for 20+. "Escapes" through three guys for 12. But missed the bigger play and took shots.
    • Three reads, and a check down! Stayed in the pocket, perfect delivery to ETN, ETN works some magic. Whoo, if only we'd seen this earlier in the year??
    • Right after, three reads are no good, ETN is open on the check down again. But this time is a throwaway.
    • C1M. Reynolds drop. My note: on this rewatch, you can actually see the shadows on the field. They are basically twice the length of the person. (so, low sun) and going to DJ's back right. IOW and IMO, this shows he was looking not DIRECTLY into the sun, but essentially just to the side of it. But the other side would've probably been worse, I don't see how you avoid the sun at this time. So going right back to it was probably the right idea.
    • They give us a short throw. Zanders miss. Debatable, but this looks like AR off target. Shorter is also wide open short in the middle.
    • Same play to DJ. Another money throw.
    • Shorter def got helmet to helmeted late.
    • 30 seconds left, 11 seconds used to throw a 4 yard pass. We need EIGHTY. Should've spiked it.
    • 4 verts (hello UT), cover 4+. AR throws a laser to the 50. Although the ball placement is not great. Down to the 41.
    • Clocked. 8 seconds left. If we'd have done this on the 4 yard play, we could have 16 seconds now.
    • We line up for a play, Vandy is like 25 yards off. TO Vandy. They come out a liiiiitle closer, but still faking. AR throws a ludicrous short ball to Shorter, just like UT. Ref spots it short but stops the clock after some initial indecision (understandable, because it is close-ish.) Vandy coach is going wild. We get the extra play.
    • Reynolds is 1v1 on the right side. AR of course throws it through the goal posts.
    So, a couple of erroneous narratives here. AR was NOT handing off when he should have been keeping. Also, and one I myself have been leaning on a bit too much, the 400 yards is not the same 400 you normally think of. The OL was horrid today. Vandy was "reading our mail" at an alarming rate. AR showed the usual NFL--HS freshman range. Sets, calls, and tactics are all in play for scrutiny. But also, they fight to the end. UT, LSU, Vandy, whoever, they won't quit. So pick your preferred perspective. Admittedly, much more difficult to be on the optimistic side this week.

    Go Gators. Beat FSU.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 3
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. 1955Gator

    1955Gator Sophomore

    Sep 6, 2007
    So is CBN dumbing down his offense because of poor QB reads, or is this what to expect in the future. This has to change for any success.


    Apr 8, 2007
    Offense requires an incredibly accurate passer to fit the ball into small windows. Pass play/route design often does not result in the first option being open. Requires ability to look at 2nd and 3rd options. That is my primary beef with Billy’s playbook. Routes should be designed so that first option is open a larger percentage of time than present. Needs to be more clever in design. Quick reads and completions.
  4. thom1507

    thom1507 All American

    Oct 13, 2019
    I disagree. This offense doesn't require any different throws than any other offense. The main drawback I see is the qb is inaccurate on about 30 percent of his throws as in the ball isn't going where he intends it to go. Some of these throws I would classify as outright shanks in golf terms. I don't ever recall seeing a Div 1 qb having this much variability in accuracy.

    Quick slants are in the offense but the reality is AR struggles with them. When is the last time we had any quick game between the hashes? Last I recall is an RPO by Kitna in USCe mop up, though I do think AR hit a quick RPO a few games ago.
  5. easycoastgator

    easycoastgator GC Legend

    Dec 26, 2018
    So, I’ll backpedal a bit on AR not keeping the zone reads. On the plays James highlighted, it appears AR made the correct reads. I still think he could have kept it a few more times and tried to outrace them to the sideline. That keeps them honest.

    I still contend that it was overall player execution, and not the game-plan, that was the main reason for this loss.
    - How many dropped passes that would moved the chains or put 6 on the board?
    - How many missed throws that would result in a first down or 6 on the board?
    - How many poor o-line blocks?
    - How many poor rookie receiver blocks?
    - A muffed punt for 7?
    - A missed extra point?
    - A slip and fall on a potentially gigantic run?

    I could go on and on. It was a team loss.

    We’re not good enough to overcome all of that yet but I still like where we’re headed.