Made me feel a lot better and brought great perspective about the program. High level, Rome wasn't built in a day. Kids are very resilient and will be ready for FSU. Can't comment on Stokes situation.
Stokes had a very unfortunate and inappropriate social media post, and it cost him his scholarship offer from the Gators. He has taken to Twitter to say he was wrong, is sorry and understands why the Gators had to cut ties with him.
IMHO, BN is not honest for whatever reason with his explanation of AR not running. Was asked a question regarding AR's running, "sometimes he runs with veracity and sometimes not". BN said, in this game, AR had the choice, and that he did what the D dictated. Are you kidding me? He handed it off all the time up the middle when keeping it could have walked in. He seldom ran it and the end was wide open several times. He is either protecting AR for whatever reason or just has no clue. He said we got behind early and so that dictated the passes. Again, a Pinocchio. It was late in second quarter and third quarter where we got behind. We were throwing most of the game. Listen, I honesty want to like and want BN to succeed, but listening to todays PC, his answers simply do not jive.
Wow, did you all ask those questions because they went through them in order to the Top 20 threads. Some very tough questions.
so you want him to say AR screwed up and sucks? He's got his players back so will spin the message. Nothing wrong with that.
He could have said, looking back we probably could have run more, I could have called a better game. And left it at that. Instead what he says simply doesn't cut it, well it does for some of you.
Yeah why not publicly attack a QB with confidence issues? I mean AR came out and said he made wrong reads. Not enough the coach should have put him on blast right? I mean thats how you get great recruits, not having their back.
He danced a bit today. Should’ve said he’s not happy with special teams and need to attack it from all areas including looking at the org chart. I give Edgar credit for asking the tough questions today.
Please tell me this isn't what he really said and your auto-correct was in overdrive...because if so I might see what the problem is with our O.
If your qb has confidence issues this far into the season and you're afraid he's going into a fetal position he is in a rude awakening if he goes into the nfl. If that is your response that AR can't handle the heat, boy he should be thankful SOS isn't coach or Saban. If his confidence is that fragile, he's got more issues than running the ball. Actually your comment would be an insult to most players. Nothing was said about throwing any player under the bus.
Spinning the message is fine, but dishonesty to the fans will get them to pack up and leave quicker than anything. What did Billy say after the KY game: that "We are going to have to have some truth telling in Sunday film review." Newsflash: if its okay to tell the truth within the team, its okay to do it in the presser. There are ways to do it without throwing players under the bus.....especially when there were holes that you could run that bus through that were missed on Sat.