Herschel on vampires, werewolf’s, and faith…. “For more than two minutes, Walker stood at the podium recounting the apparent plot details of this mystery movie, “I don't know if you know, but vampires are some cool people, are they not?" the congressional candidate said. "But let me tell you something that I found out: A werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that." "So, I don't want to be a vampire anymore," Walker added, without further context. "I want to be a werewolf." And that's where it is in our life. It don't even work unless you've got faith," Walker said, after describing a movie scene that involved holy water and a cross. "We gotta have faith." Herschel Walker veered off in a campaign speech to rant about werewolves killing vampires
That's because the word "moderate" is a platitude. Conservatives think people slightly to the left of them are "moderates." Liberals think those people are conservatives. Liberals think people slightly to the right of them are moderates. Conservatives think those people are liberals. (I'm trying to be kind with the labels.)
Here's the video. If it wasn't an actual performance by Herschel it could be easily mistaken for an SNL skit.
Yeah, it is embarrassing for Democrats that Republicans don't give a rats ass about how fake HW is and vote for him anyway. It is embarrassing for Democrats that the Republicans picked a Black sports legend in Georgia to try and grab a Senate seat even though they knew the guy wasn't qualified to be a PE teacher at a HS let alone a Senator. Really? Come on Tilly, you are better than that.
I disagree. I think Tilly is one of the most honest Pubs on here. I don't see him trolling libs like many of the other Pubs here. Generally what he says is what he believes. But trying to say the Dems should be embarrassed because the Pubs support Walker despite all his baggage seems a bit much.
Yeah, he makes very valid points. But Graham is also an easy target: "They're trying to destroy Herschel to deter young men and women of color from becoming Republicans." Good grief.
The Freakonomics guys have been dethroned! Their "resumes with black sounding names are treated worse than identical resumes with white sounding name is not racism - it's association of negative characteristics with black sounding names" is no longer the stupidest anti-anti racist argument ever. Michael Tracey is the new King!
Somewhat off-topic and frankly I was surprised after I researched his background, Michael Tracey is actually a lefty who supported Bernie Sanders in 2016 and urged progressives to abstain from voting in the 2016 general election. As a far as Herschel walker is concerned while there may be some bias against him by virtue of his accent, the criticism of him and his selection is based on what Herschel says not his accent or colloquial way in which he says it.
Tracey was a well known Bernie leftist but has been a fellow traveler with Glenn Greenwald for years, going full horseshoe
But he's always been a weirdo no one likes. "Leftist" is a bit of a stretch too. Bernie '16 drew lots of people who were simply anti-dem establishment types with weird politics.
Maybe my liberal glasses are fogged, but how have Democrats become “extreme”? Some are, but my party has pretty much the same agenda it’s always had. Chop of the Republican extreme, and the same goes for conservatives. There’s just more to chop off.
Tilly's been telling and I've been listening for over 20 years, so I think I have a pretty good handle on who he is. That is, a fine person, and a fine poster, and he checks more boxes in the "Moderate," column than many posters on Too Hot.