I maybe behind the times, but I never noticed how many players have them. Watching AU & TAM and it seems about 1/3 are wearing them. It does not seem beneficial only something someone could grab to tackle you.
Lol Teams have been wearing those for many years, they are hand warmers during cold weather. It's not like they are toting around your lipstick.
Supposedly there was a big surplus of back packs leftover a few years ago which got sold on the cheap and cut down to fanny packs....not sure whose they were but they appeared virtually unused.
I wonder why people frown on those so much... some snobby fashion queen must have deemed them unacceptable.
Yeah, you're judging, and assuming that I have one. Lol.... clown. Just defending those players on those two teams mentioned in the OP...
Things from my youth that have come back "in style": Chuck Taylors football players wearing Hoodies under shoulder pads mullets fanny packs
Used to be you only needed 2 pockets for your keys and wallet. But thanks to the Bloody cellphone you need extra storage for phone and all the gadgets that a cell phone requires.
Don't tell an Irish girl it's a Fanny Pack, you get slapped (I know from personal experience). In Ireland saying "Fanny" is a more gently version of the "C" word. So, in Ireland it's a Bum Bag.