Since I didn’t see a thread on this by our California and Newsom loving conservatives, I thought I would create one. Best state and governor!
Reminds me of a good friend who is/was a trumpster and thought newsome would lose his recall election. I just laughed.
So California shot down the sports betting bill? The state lets you do heroin and other drugs free from prosecution but you can’t bet on sports? Make it make sense.
Looks like the only one to replace JB with next cycle. Anyone the Dems put up will instantly become da debil and be worthy of extreme hate and endless insults. It is politics.
Logical sense isn’t something we should expect, IMO. We are humans, not robots, and groups or states are even further removed from logic. E.g. Republicans are often fine with TV showing massive gun violence but against showing a boob.
but more entertaining will be watching you lose your feces when he runs against a Kristie Noem / Nikki Haley ticket.
Fortunate, given your screen name, but many others seem to find boobs to be things that need to be kept away from the public.
Not so sure on that. Like his politics but he will be a hard sell with his background, including an ex-wife now with DTJr. Karen Bass and Caruso still close. But Alex Villanueva, the head of the biggest street gang in the state, is gone!
Possession of heroin is still illegal in California. The difference is that simple possession is now treated as a misdemeanor rather than a felony. Maybe it's just me but rationally it doesn't make a lot of sense to prosecute and lock up addicts in state correctional facilities for a long periods of time at a huge cost to taxpayers when their problem is medical rather than criminal in nature .
Maybe not but a bunch of Independants and Dem women would. And, either one of them is a better female candidate that Killary.